Are you serious?
I can appreciate that the young folks in this neighborhood want something to do. However, there are a few of the ''kids'' (teens and some who are just beyond the teen years) who have already ruined the idea of having a trail that goes behind homes that is rather secluded. For starters, the front park mulch has been set on fire several times by individuals. They have beaten the rides put there for young children with a baseball bat (thankfully a police officer witnessed this and chased them!), and then of course there are the individuals who were stealing gas cans out of peoples garages and collecting them in the woods.
As for a pool? Do you have any idea how expensive it would be to put something in like that? Not to mention that numerous homes already have an inground pool. I would never approve an increase in a budget for a pool based on the way others take care of their homes the pool would end up the same way.
I suggest that you get involved in school sports, or other activities in the MOT community to occupy your time.