THE RECORDED history of Fairdale dates back almost 200 years to a long-dead city. But the community's present name is 75 years old. The name came from a meeting on May 30, 1910, when residents met at Mount Holly Road to think up a new name for the area. "They were disturbed because people referred to Fairdale as the Wet Woods or Woods Precinct," said Marylyn Nelson, of Fairdale Road, wh...o has researched the area's past for about 10 years. Residents wanted a more flattering name, so they voted to call the area "Fairdale," a name suggested by resident Oscar Reed. Even with its new name, Fairdale had an old history of land hassles, buffalo trails, a salt lick, colorful characters and as a city. A city called Newtown was incorporated in the area in 1794, 16 years after George Rogers Clark founded Louisville. It began dying about 35 years later, said George Yater, a local historian and author.