Directed by Bill Turner
Musical direction by Anita Zahniser
Produced by Carolyn Cole
Choreography by Brandon Reimers and Lana Rogal
Nathan Detroit - Jason Platt
Miss Adelaide - Tracy Pelzer-Timm
Sky Masterson - Adam Peters
Sarah Brown - Jenni Boldt
Nicely Nicely - Jon Carlson
Benny Southstreet - Nick Oswald
Big Jule - Chris Weber
Harry the Horse - Rob Minder
Rusty Charlie - Taylor Wettach
Gamblers - Lyle Stalheim, Brandon Reimers
Lt. Brannigan - James Palagi
Arvide Abernathy - David Wettach
General Cartright - Bonnie Marburger
Agatha - Sarah Fiedler
Mission Band - Duane Marburger, Thomas Gustafson
Hot Box Dancers - Kari Turner, Courtney Geavert, Shelah Kershenske, Ashley Kirchner
Keyboard 1 - Anita Zahniser
Keyboard 2 - Bob Danner
Bass - David Hanson
Trombone - Adam Turner
Sax - Janelle Wilson
Trumpet - Justin Henneman
Trumpet - B.J. Moore
Drums - Steve Kundel