Newland Park Condo Assn.


Posted in: Wrigley
How Un-Christian

When I first read this message I was appalled, then very angry and offended. I am sure that Jesus would not condone such anger and hatred, especially at a time when most Christians are celebrating the joy and goodness of his birth and of mankind. The anger part comes about when I read such hatred addressed towards a dear friend of mine. I am also offended by your anti-semetic comments. Having lost all of my family in the Holocaust I will not allow such hatred to go unchecked. Don't use an association website to vent your anger. Plus, if you really wanted to get attention, you should have made your name known. You need help, get it.
Wrigley responds to parade

Wrigley responds to parade criticism

Two organizations, the Wrigley Association and a spin-off group, the Wrigley Area Neighborhood Alliance, or WANA, are locked in an ugly spat over, of all things, Christmas.

On Nov. 23, I wrote a column about WANA breaking away, and have been getting ugly e-mail from Association members ever since. But when I asked the latter to explain themselves they declined, not wanting to be named or quoted.

One person did offer to be quoted, but did so while I was in the hospital. Poor timing. Not his fault.

Now, however, a Wrigley member has written a defense while still asking for anonymity.

So here, in his words, is the Association side of the story.

''`Save the Daisy Parade' makes a great sound bite, but it's utterly misleading. The truth is that parade is fine, and has always been fine.

''As always, the city pays for and organizes the event. As always, the Wrigley Association maintains its devotion to the Christmas Tree Lane and Parade (CTL). In fact, the Wrigley Association recently donated nearly $20,000 to pay for electrical upgrades along Daisy Avenue. As a result, this year the trees will be lit for all to enjoy.''

Not to worry

''As you can see, the parade is in no danger. Unfortunately, you were conned by some people who seem to be willing to say anything to get their way.

''The Wrigley Association has never considered abandoning the parade. There were, however, solid business reasons for forming CTL as a legally separate entity from the Wrigley Association, including increased liability exposure and costs. There are too many others to explain here. Just consider this: the four other annual Long Beach parades are organized this way.

''Wrigley's board formalized its commitment to CTL. The motion clearly stated that Wrigley and the new CTL organization would work closely together in recognition of their traditional relationship.

''Unfortunately, the few board members (who became WANA founders) who did not agree with this decision were unwilling to accept that they did not get what they wanted.

''Apparently, they believe in majority rule only when they win. Since then, they have alleged voter fraud, mailed a fraudulent and misleading Wrigley newsletter, lied, slandered, disrupted meetings, stolen, vandalized - and deceived some credible journalists, including you, Tom Hennessy.


''Some of them have so lost sight of the big picture that they actually tried to turn away Wrigley Association members who arrived to set up the CTL parade route decorations. That isn't what I call Christmas spirit.

''Rather than waste time defending itself against fanatics and their fables, the all-volunteer Wrigley Association quietly continues doing the good works it is well known for.

''In one week last month, the Association:

Hosted the largest Halloween carnival in any city park, entertaining more than 400 kids with free pizza, treats, prizes and television coverage;

Held a huge, one-day volunteer tree planting (150 trees), again with free pizzas, etc.;

Conducted the first L.B. candidates' forum for the assembly seat vacated by Laura Richardson;

Helped run a skateboarding event for hundreds of at-risk youth;

Worked with the city organizing Christmas Tree Lane; and

Published and mailed a full-color newsletter.

''If you think about it, it's pretty pathetic that self-righteous WANA founders portray themselves as the saviors of CTL. The truth is that Christmas Tree Lane and Parade never needed saving.''

All I can say to this is that it is one dumb way to spend the holidays.

Thanks to all

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