Nob Hill/Ridgeview Hills South Neighbors

Field west of Johnston St Homes

Posted in: Kipling Villas
The field between Johnson St and Kipling continues to be an absolute nuisence and danger to your neighbors! This field belongs to the Mormon Church. It has been posted by the church as private property with no motorized vehicles allowed. The signs were installed one evening and by the next evening the neighborhood 'children' had them all destroyed.

We have pickup trucks, hotrods, motorcycles, dune buggys - you name it out in the field. This has not only caused an eyesore due the the total disreguard of private property but it is also very dangerous to the small kids that like to play, build forts and other childhood activities in the open area. This does not even begin to touch my complaint that the homeowners on that side of Johnson Street cannot possibly enjoy their backyard without putting up with the dust and noise!

Jefferson County Sherrifs Office refuses to do anything about this. They maintain they are only able to act on a complaint from the land owners. Also, the cul de sac where the vehicles enter the field is very tore up and unsightly and very, very much causing our property value to decrease! Just what we are all working so hard for!!!!!!

What can we do as a HomeOwners Association? Can the Association send the offenders some sort of a request for decentcy if they had the address? I need some ideas, solutions, suggestions to this problem. I hate to have another one of my summers ruined so a few ignorant people can play with their expensive toys! (We have tried talking to most of these people without much succcess.)

Any ideas or assistence would be greatly appreciated.


By Pat Seifert
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