Weymouth Way has been on the City Streets Department's list for replacement during FY2007 for two years, and has now begun the process. According to the Streets Superintendant and on-site supervisors, the process is three-fold: 1. For a couple of weeks (weather permitting), the badly deteriorated areas will be dug out and re-filled with aggregate and asphalt; 2. An outside contractor will then (during May) perform a milling process of the entire street, down a couple of inches to allow for re-surfacing, and 3. The street will be completely re-paved and sealed to look and feel like a brand new street. Needless to say, there will be periods of inconvenience for all, and we will have to work together to alleviate any problems which may arise. For those who park on the street, you will find notices posted on your cars when it becomes a hinderance to their progress.
By Street watcher
By Street watcher