Minutes For- February 17, 2008
The meeting was called to order by President Claire Green-Fallon at 3:10; followed by the invocation given by 2ns Vice-President Jack Brosch.
The minutes from the last meeting were held in abeyance.
At 3:15 Claire Green-Fallon introduced our guest speaker Rep.Thom Tillis to the audience. Rep. Tillis started by giving the group some of his visions. Some of those visions are:
A). First Rep. Tillis explained that he was not"your typical politician". He became involved because of his family's involvement of a mountain bike trail.
B). Although, he is not in our district, he came because of people like the NEC who are a part of the game
C). He once served in Corneilus, then the State House. He will enter the race again for the next election
D). Big Issues are: Completion of I-485. He stated that there is no way it will be finished at the time given
E). Equity Formula projects that have priority, should be the first leg of I-485, why can't the legislative understand that?
F). He spoke about getting 4 lanes roads because they are critical to transportation.
G). 6 millions doesn't live in the Equity Formula area, it is needed because the same roads still need to be paved. 80% of equity Formula is good
H). Equity Formula doesn't deal with interstate issues or congestion issues. Slush funds are not available in this area. However, some folk have used it
I). Equity Formula is not equitable. Another source of funding must be researched. 66 billion is needed over the next 25 years for roads
J). 180 million is being held up for future funding
K). Eastern Carolina will be the first for a toll road. The main things are to know what's out there.
L). MTC will vote to have an engineering study done
Rep. Tillis ended by thanking the NEC for the invitation.
4:51 P.M. 2nd Meeting
Minutes from the last meeting were held in abeyance from the last meeting and approved.
Treasurers Report:
The balance in the account is 375.00. The treasurer has applied for a debit card. Treasurer's report was approved and seconded.
New Business:
-We will not have a public meeting in March. The board will meet. Meeting will be held at the President's home. Date to be announced.
-Diwali - Deferred - (2008-101) calling Beacon to see if they will donate as a park, otherwise, a 5 story apartment building will be built. Beacon owns Caterpillar.
-Cambridge will not do a road out to David Cox. 2008-044. Sidewalks up to David Cox, the best deal we can get at the moment.
Old Business:
No further business, motion to adjourn the meeting of February 17, 2008 at 5:10 P.M. Seconded. All approved. Motion carried. ALL AYES