Two or three weeks ago I "heard" that a sidewalk was going to be built on the south side of Buffat Mill Road. This sidewalk is to run from Whittle Springs Road to Bridalwood. Contract workers have been probing in yards, mine included, for gas lines, water lines and any other kind of lines that might be buried. I sort of blew it off when I first "heard" about what might be happening, but the more I think about it, the more concerned I became....highly concerned. First, it would have been considerate if the "powers that are" could have given those that would be affected a heads up and a nice informal discussion. I would like to know where the funds are coming from for this proposed million plus dollar endeavor. Why a sidewalk from Whittles to Bridalwood, which is a sidewalk to nowhere that makes any sense. It will not increase the foot traffic, which is almost nil except for some "cut-throughs" from Prossor or Cherry Streets. The sidewalk may constitute a traffic light at the intersection of Buffat and North Hills Blvd. What a mess that will be. Now we will have a sidewalk, a traffic light, speed humps, slow-down strips and a traffic circle. What is happening to "our neighborhood".....just a little input from you all and a friendly neighborhood group discussion with someone "in the know" would be a nice neighborly gesture.....otherwise, have a nice day..!!