The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Association met a 7:00 P. M. Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 at the home of Mary Beth O’Connor (6015). The following members were present: Tim Miller, Pres (5973), Tony Pirrera (5971), Vice Pres.; J. D. Brickhouse, (5965) Treas/Sec.; Mary Beth O’Connor (6015); A. M. Paktiawal (5949); Pam Holt (6024); Lee Nino (5977) and Joe Stewart, Pop. Mgr. The following guest were present: Elide Pirrera (5971), Todd Ploetner (6222), and Ed Phelps (6220).
President Miller opened the meeting and invited the guest to participate in a resident forum. Mr Ploetner and Mr. Phelps discussed issues with Phase One and the feeling that they were being left out of general maintenance. They have issues with the main staircase from the sidewalk to the parking lot, gutter downspoits, rust on gutters and the cleaning of the gutters. President Miller responded to their concerns.
Upon motion by Mary Beth O’Conner, seconded by Pam Holt and carried the minutes of May 12th, 2009 were approved
Upon motion by Pam Holt, seconded by Mary Beth O’Connor and carried the financial reports for May were approved.
Mr. Joe Stewart, Prop. Mgr. gave his monthly reports as follows:
1- Concrete work for the first part has been paid, and have scheduled the last $1900. of that work
2- New landscaper
3- Creek work finished
4- Lock on pool door. 60 keys on hand
5- Gutters clean.
The board discussed the issue with a vegetable garden in front of unit 6226. No plan has been submitted. A letter has been sent concerning the issue Pres. Miller called fro an vote to levy a fine for unit 6226 in violation of the landscape plan Vote carried in favor of the fine.
Earlier in the year there had been problems with the sewer lines at unit 6035. The association did $3000. of work to the property as well as the homeowner having to spend money inside the unit. A tree planted to close to the unit was responsible for the damage. Upon motion by A. M. Paktiawal, seconded by Lee Nino and carried the board authorized the removal of the tree.
Joe reported that unit 5903 has peeling paint on the windows and unit 6012 has some rotten wood. He was authorized to look into the matter and take care of when the association has sufficient funds.
Tony Pirrera presented the following three motions:
1 - Motion to establish charges for late dues payments.
Effective August 1, 2009, there will be a late charge of $20.00 per month for dues received after the 15th of the month. A letter explaining the violation and the chare that will be imposed will go out on the 17th or the next business day after the 17th. The letter will inform the property owner that pool privileges and voting rights will also be suspended until such time as dues and late fees are made current. The letter will inform the home owner that a hearing will b e held, before the Executive Board, on or about the 24th for the purpose of imposing the charge and suspensions. The home owner is encouraged to contact Wilson Properties for the time and place of the hearing so they can present evidence concerning the violation. A letter will be sent on or about the 25th informing the home owner of the decision of the panel. If the late charge is levied it will go into effect the first day of the next month.
All suspensions will be effective upon receipt of the decision letter.
All letters will be sent certified mail with a return receipt.
Note: The authority for this action is found in 47F-3- 102 (11) 47F-3-107.1 of the North /Carolina planned Community Act and Article II (b) of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restriction of Northclift Townhouse Association and Article VIII (b) of the By-Laws of Northclift Townhouse Association.
After much discussion the forgoing motion died from lack of a second.
Motion 2 – Subject: Motion to alter the foreclosure time table
We except the schedule proposed by the attorney.
Demand letter – 10 days until
Claim of Lien – 10 days until
Notice of Foreclosure Hearing – 30-40 days until
Foreclosure Sale 10 days until
Convey Deed to property – 10 days until
Notice to Vacate – 20 days until
Sheriff’s eviction
After much discussion by the Board the forgoing motion died from lack of a second.
Motion 3 – Procedure for Fines and Suspension of planned community privileges or services.
Motion to adopt the following procedure for fines and common property suspensions.
Violation of Association By-Laws and published rules and regulations will be handled in the following manner.
A letter explaining the violation, the corrective action needed and date the corrective action needs to completed along with the proposed fine should the corrective action not be completed. This letter will be sent by Wilson Properties at the direction of the President of the NTHA board. A second letter will be sent 5 business days after the initial letter. This will inform the home owner that a hearing will be held in 5 days before the Executive Board for the purpose of imposing the fine and or pool privilege suspension. The home owner is encouraged to contact Wilson Properties for the time and place of the hearing so they can present evidence concerning the violation. A letter will be sent the next business day after the hearing informing the home owner of the decision of the board.
All fines and suspensions will be effective upon receipt of the decision letter. All letters will be sent certified mail with a return receipt. The fine for violations will be $50.00 for each day more than five days after the decision that the violation occurs. Such fines shall be assessments secured by liens under G. S. 47F-3-116.If it is decided that a suspension of planned community privileges or services should be imposed, the suspension may be continued without further hearing until the violation or delinquency is cured.
Note: The authority for this action is found in 47F-3-102 (12) 4F-3-107.1 of the North Carolina Planned Community Act and Article II (b) of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of Northclift Townhouse Association and Article VIII 9a) (b) of the By-Laws of Northclift Townhouse Association.
Upon motion by Tony Pirrera, seconded by Lee Nino and carried the foregoing motion was approved.
The Board adjourned at 9:07 P.M.
The Board will meet on July 14th at the home of Tony Pirrera (5071)
Respectfully submitted:
Tim Miller, Pres.
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.