Parking is restricted to marked spaces. Parking along the curb (where not marked for resident parking) is prohibited because it inhibits other residents’ ability to get in and out of parking spaces and to trael safely in and out of the parking lot. Parking illegally also inhibits emergency vehicles. Random towing will be enforced. This means that the towing company will monitor the parking 24/7. They have been instructed to tow any vehicle that is not parked in a numbered space. This includes double parked and cross parked vehicles.
Furthermore, parking is restricted to operable vehicles only. Inoperable vehicles or vehicles with expired inspections or registrations will be towed without notice.
Finally, parking privileges do not extend to boats, trailers or items on trailers. After an initial notification, these vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Owners should arrange to rent garage or marine facilities if storage is needed.