The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Assoc. met at 7:00 PM on Tuesday February 10th, 2009 at the home of Akhtar Paktiawal (5949) with the following members in attendance: Tony Pirrera, Pres. (5971), Tim Miller, VP (5973), Lee Nino (5977), John Lanier (5969), A. M. Paktiawal (5949), Joy Yanoff (5941), Pam Holt (6024), J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. (5965), Joe Stewart, Prop. Mgr., guests Elide Pirrera (5971) and Mrs. Paktiawal (5949).
Tony Pirrera asked to resign the position of president. Upon motion by Lee Nino, seconded by John Lanier and carried, the board accepted Mr.Pirrera’s request and elected Tim Miller, Pres.
Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Tim Miller and carried, Tony Pirrera was elected Vice President.
The secretary was instructed to add the names of Elide Pirrera and Tim Miller to the Architectural Committee.
Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Tony Pirrera and carried, the minutes of January 21st, 2009 were approved.
Upon motion by Tony Pirrera, seconded by John Lanier and carried, the financials for January 2009 were approved.
Joe Stewart presented the Delinquency report for January and gave the following management report:
1 – Reserve study is ready for final document.
2 – 5959 and 5961 rear deck is finished.
3 – Towing Company selection
4 – Grounds company terminated.
5 – Taking bids on sidewalks and tree removal
6 – Gutters cleaned
7 - Pool manager bids.
The Board discussed the Reserve Study report and upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Tony Pirrera and carried, decided to approve the reserve study and have the firm prepare the final report and letters.
Joe Stewart presented two bids for grounds maintenance. One from New River Landscapes, base price $15,312.75; Second by Greenscape Inc. base price $14,400. Each had a list of options that could be added on if and when needed. Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Joy Yanoff and carried, the bid was awarded to Greenscape Inc.
The Board discussed the pool situation for the coming season. Upon motion by Lee Nino, seconded by John Lanier and carried, the board authorized the hiring of Pool Professionals at a cost of $13,500.00 upon the clarification that they keep the pool blue through the winter. A pool committee was appointed to report to the board on recommended hours and procedures for its operation. Lee Nino was appointed chairman with Tony Pirrera and Paul King and the president to work with them.
Joe Stewart reported that Mid South Towing would be taking over the responsibility of
Towing illegally parked vehicles.
Mr. Toole had made several calls concerning parking in Phase 2. The board discussed the matter. Lee Nino volunteered to contact the city about lifting the restriction for parking during day light hours on the Sanderson High School side of Dixon Dr. in front of Phase 2.
John Lanier reported that the Arch. Com. had approved the color of Taupe to be used on unit 5977 and added to the list of colors. The Arch. Com. Will meet on Tuesday Feb. 17th at the chairman’s home (5969).
The Landscaping Committee was appointed for 2009; Elide Pirrera, Chair., Pam Holt and J. D. Brickhouse.
Upon motion to adjourn at 8:35 PM by John Lanier, second by Pam Holt and carried the meeting was ended. The Board will meet at the home of J. D. Brickhouse and Paul King on March 10th, 2009.
Respectfully submitted:
Tim Miller, Pres.
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.