MINUTES OF JAN. 21st, 2009
The Board of Directors of North lift Townhouse Association met a 7:00 P>M> on Wednesday, January 21st, 2009 at the home of Anthony and Elida Pirrera (5971). The meeting was called to order by Tony Pirrera, Pres. (5971)with the following embers in attendance: Tim Miller, VP (5973), Lee Nino (5977), Mary Beth O’Connor (6015), Pam Holt, Treas. (6024), J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. (5965), A. M. Paktiawal (5949) John Lanier (5969), Joy Yanoff (5941) and guest Elide Pirrera (5971).
The president called for nominations for officer for 2009. The following were nominated. President – Anthony Pirrera. Upon motion by Lanier, seconded by Yanoff and carried Pirrera was elected. Vice President – Tim Miller. Upon motion by Lanier, seconded my O’Connor and carried Miller was elected. Secretary – nomination J. D. Brickhouse and Pam Holt, Holt declined. Upon motion by Nino, seconded by O’Connor and carried Brickhouse was elected.
The Board discussed the office of treasurer, and its duties in relationship to the management company. Upon motion by Lanier, seconded by Holt and carried the Board authorized the combining of the position of Secretary and Treasurer.
The committees were appointed. Architectural - Chairman John Lanier, Lee Nino, Joy Yanoff and Akhtar Paktiawal.; Nominating - Chairwoman Pam Holt, Mary Beth O’Connor, Tim Miller and Tony Pirrera.
Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Tim Miller and carried the financials for December 2008 was approved.
Upon motion by Mary Beth O’Connor, seconded by John Lanier and carried the minutes for December 9th, 2008 were approved
The Board reviewed the list of delinquent homeowner fees.
There was no maintenance report in the absences of Joe Stewart, Prop. Mgr. However, the two new board members were brought up to dates on what the Board had accomplished and where it was headed in the coming year.
A meeting was scheduled for Wednesday January 28th with the engineering firm.
The Board discussed the re-striping of parking spaces at the upper end of phase three, and the renumbering of spots 1102, 6033 and 1103. Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Mary Beth O’Connor and carried the board authorized the acceptance of the $350. Quote for the striping and renumbering of 1102, 103, and 6033.
The Board discussed the towing company.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Resepctfully submitted:
Tony Pirrera, Pres.
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. Treas.