The following are the meeting minutes but they have NOT BEEN APPROVED THUS FAR.....
The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Association met at 7:00 PM on Tuesday December 9th, 2008 at the home of Anthony and Elide Pirrera (5971). The meeting was called to order by Tim Miller Vice President (5973) with the following members in attendance: Tim Miller (5973), Lee Nino (5977), Mary Beth O’Connor (6015), Pam holt, Treas. (6024), J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. (5965) , John Lanier (5969) and Joe Stewart, Prop Mgr. with Wilson Properties, guest Elide Pirrera (5971) and Thomas Hallett (5967).
Upon motion by Lee Nino, seconded by John Lanier and carried the minutes of November 11th, were approved.
Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Lee Nino and carried the financials for November were approved.
The board discussed setting a meeting with the engineering firm that has prepared the study prior to our annual meeting on January 13, 2009 at 7:00 PM at Optimist Park. Joe will find a time that is suitable with the firm and contact the Board with date and location.
Joe Stewart. Property Manager with Wilson Properties gave his monthly report:
1- Home Inspection 6004
2- 5951 Gutter and fascia and soffit
3- 5987 rail to welder
4- 5977 siding front and rear
5- Meet with city on stream project.
The board discussed the need for restripping some spaces in Section Four to widen the 1102 spot, and to switch numbers with 1103 and 6033. Upon motion of Lee Nino, seconded by John Lanier and carried the action to right a wrong on space 6033 and 1103 are to be renumbered.
The failure of the towing company to respond and to haul vehicles was discussed and Mr. Stewart was asked to find another towing operator and report back to the board.
J. D. Brickhouse reported that Greg Stow (5959) had asked him to ask the board if it would permit his rear ground floor deck be replaced with a block patio and that a second story deck be constructed instead and funds that would normally be allocated for the ground floor deck be applied to the second story deck and he would cover the cost of the difference. The Board reminded Mr. Stewart that he should submit a drawing to the Architectural Com. for approval on the second story deck. The Board discuss the issue at length and had concerns that the uniformity of the back decks would be lost and that the sewer clean out lines come through the rear foundation and are exposed under the deck for the first three building backing up to the creek. Therefore upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Pam Holt and carried the board denied the request of Greg Stow to replace his first level deck with a patio.
The Board reviewed the Delinquent Report and discussed with the property manager.
There being no further the Board adjourned to meet at special meeting in January with the engineering firm.
Respectfully submitted:
Tim Miller, Vice President
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.