Northclift Townhomes

NorthClift Townhomes HOA Meeting Minutes - April 2008




The Board of Directors of the Northclift Townhouse Association met at 7:00 PM April 8th, 2008 at the home of Pam Holt, Treasurer (6024). The meeting was called to order by Anthony Pirrera, President, with the following members in attendance: Pam Holt, Treasurer (6024); Mary Beth O’Connor (6015); Lee Nino (5977); J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. (5965); John Lanier (5969); Tim Miller, Vice Pres. (5973); Patrick Buffkin (5937) ; Ann Liable (5943). Joe Stewart, Property Manager with Wilson Properties was present
The following residents and visitors were in attendance: Elide Pirrera (5971), Shauna Carnahan, Realtor for unit 6004, Michael Schmidt (6004), Bee-Bee Truong (6004), Susan Putney (5947), Paktic Wal (5949), Paul Varsel (5945), Tom Hallett (5967) and Jonathan Sherman (5901).
President Pirrera invited the residents to speak prior to the Board getting to the agenda. Michael Schmidt (6004) spoke concerning the tree root damage done to his and Ms. Truong unit. Pirrera and Joe Stewart advised them of the steps they need to follow to correct the situation. First they should contact their insurance carrier. The Board has already contacted a tree removal company.
Paktic Wall (5949) spoke on his and Ms. Susan Putney (5947) behalf concerning the replacement of their front deck. They were advised that it would be done as soon as funds were available. He also discussed his concerns concerning water inspections.
Patrick Buffkin (5937) arrived at 7:25 PM.
Paul Varsel (5945) spoke concerning the water inspection. He was upset and felt it was an invasion of his property rights. He believes there is a leak at the circle, and Mr Stewart was asked to check it out.
Upon motion by Lee Nino, seconded by Mary Beth O’Connor and carried minutes of March 11, 2008 were approved.
Upon motion by John Lanier, seconded by Ann Liable and carried financial reports of March were approved.
Joe Stewart gave his monthly maintenance report.
- Took bid on 5979-5981 roof
- 6224 fascia replaced
- 5979 down spout replaced
- 59939 deck repairs
- 5981 deck repairs and joist
- 6038 siding in rear replaced
- 6004 root has raised floor/window does not open
- About 34 have signed up for water inspections
- Need to send Mr. Wood a letter to approve deck.
- Striping parking lot/numbers will cost $1,729.
Pam Holt chairwoman of the parking committee gave her report. Each household will have 2 labeled spaces, with exception of those with garages, they will have driveway and one labeled space. All extra cars per household will park on the street (unless they arrange with another home owner to use their spot(s). Residents cannot park in visitors spots if there are any. Visitors may not park longer than five days in a visitors spot. There is to be no more double and triple parking and no parking in “no parking zones”.
The committee recommends renting out visitor spots by lottery. This will generate revenue for maintenance. The committee recommends this be enforced from the time of its adoption and send sufficient notice to all households. They also recommend the painting and numbering of the slots.
Mr. Stewart was asked to provide a map for the directors to assign spaces prior to the adoption of the policy changes.
Motion to adjourn and carried at 8:50 PM.
Respectfully submitted,

Anthony Pirrera, President

J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.

Posted by ucandanz01 on 06/17/2008
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