The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhome Association met at 10:10 a.m., Saturday, September 12, 2009 at the Northclift pool. The following members were present: Tony Pirrera, Vice Pres. (5971), Tim Miller, Pres. (5973), Pam Holt (6024), Lee Nino (5977), John Lanier (5969), Mary Beth O’Connor (6015) and Joe Stewart, Prop. Mgr. The following guests were present: Elide Pirrera (5971), Megan Mears (5913) and Thomas Hallet (5967).
The meeting was called to order by Tim Miller.
The Board proceeded with a hearing for owner B. Rodgers (6202). Ms. Rodgers explained that the garbage problem will be taken care of. The Board said a fine may still be assessed if the garbage is not moved.
A warning letter was sent to owner G. Holder (6009). Two more letters are pending. Ms. Holder filled out an architectural form and submitted a picture. It was approved by the Board.
There is still an opening on the Northclift Board. P. Holt will post a note on the phase 1 bulletin board.
Upon motion by L. Nino, seconded by J. Lanier and carried, the minutes of the August 11, 2009 meeting were approved.
T. Miller stated that the minutes of the special Board meeting on August 24, 2009 need significant changes. The Board will hold off approving them until next month’s meeting.
Upon motion by J. Lanier, seconded by M.B. O’Connor and carried, last month’s financials were approved.
J. Stewart suggested moving $10,000 of the Association’s reserve money into a CD. The Board had some discussion about work that still needs to be done. Upon motion by P. Holt and seconded by L. Nino, the suggestion was approved.
Management Report:
P. Holt will try to set up a meeting to review the “Rules and Regulations” handbook next week.
L. Nino made a motion to run a previously approved motion by J. Lanier concerning Northclift landscaping past our attorney for a recommendation of action to take (e.g., modify, rescind, let stand, etc.). P. Holt seconded this motion. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously.
Megan Mears (5913) received a letter from the Board about a trash can that had been left on the side of her building. She said she wasn’t aware of this, and that the problem will be corrected.
T. Hallet raised a concern about the sidewalk near his home and the drainage issue. J. Stewart said he will take a look at it.
Due to the length of the meeting, L. Nino said that he will table his pool concern until the next Board meeting.
Upon motion by M.B. O’Connor, seconded by L. Nino, and carried, the Board adjourned at 11:34 a.m. to meet on Tuesday, October 13, 2009 at the home of L. Nino (5977).