The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Association did not have a quorum at its November 2009 meeting. The president circulated two items by e-mail, which were approved by a majority vote of the Board. Item 1 – Dues increase of five percent (5%) for calendar year 2010. Item 2 – Approval of the 2010 Budget.
The above results were presented at the December meeting which was held at 7:00 P. M. Tuesday, Dec. 8th, 2009 at the home of Tim Miller, Pres. (5973). Board members present were: Tim Miller, Pres. (5973), Tony Pirrera (5971), Pam Holt (6024), Lee Nino (5977), June Davenport (6212), J. D. Brickhouse (5965), and Joe Stewart, Wilson Properties. Guest present were: Elide Pirrera (5971), and Thomas Hallett (5967).
Upon motion by Pam Holt, seconded by Lee Nino the minutes of October 13, 2009 were approved.
Upon motion by Lee Nino, seconded by Pam Holt and carried, the treasurer’s report for October 2009 was approved.
Upon motion by Pam Holt, seconded by Lee Nino and carried, the November financial report was approved.
Joe Stewart presented the management report:
- Unit 6039 needs repairs to its siding. Cost estimates are labor - $900., material - $700., painting - $500. Upon motion by Tim Miller, seconded by Tony Pirrera and carried it was approved to make the repairs to unit 6039 as soon as possible.
- Stewart report that the five percent due increase, the approval of the 2010 budget and the 2010 annual meeting will be held Friday, Jan 15th, 2010 at Optimist Park.
Under old business it was reported that Wilson Management does not have all the cost estimates for the necessary repair work to the pool. Those items should be available in Jan or Feb. A pump at the pool has been replaced under the maintenance line item.
The Board discussed the need for rear walkways behind Phase One and Two. After discussion the following motion was presented by Tim Miller, seconded by Pam Holt that sidewalks be installed in Phase Two behind the building parallel to Dixon Drive and the two building to the right of the parking lot. The president requested a roll call vote: Holt – yes, Pirrera – yes, Nino – no, Brickhouse – yes, Davenport – yes, Miller – yes. Motion carried.
A large item pickup by the city is scheduled for Dec. 21, 2009.
The Legal action filed against the Association by the owners of unit 6226 was discussed.
Motion to adjourn by Nino, seconded by Holt and carried at 7:45 PM
Respectfully submitted:
Tim Miller, Pres.
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.