The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Association met at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday October 13, 2009 at the home of Lee Nino (5977) Board members present were: Tim Miller, Pres. (5973), Tony Pirrera, V-P (5971), J. D. Brickhouse, Sec. (5965), Mary Beth O’Connor (6015), John Lanier ((5969), Lee Nino, (5973), Pam Holt (6024), Joy Yanoff (5941) and Joe Stewart, Prop. Mgr. Guest present were Ann Liable (5943), Geneva Holder (6009), June Davenport (6212) and Thomas Hallett (5967).
The meeting was called to order, Guests were introduced and a quorum determined.
June Davenport was presented as a possible candidate to fill the unexpired term for Director which is open.
Pres. Miller shared his opinions on the meeting with the attorney and handed out a statement on his interpretation of the meeting. A discussion followed on the motion made by John Lanier at the Aug. 24th meeting concerning the Policy and Procedures Handbook.
A motion was made by Tim Miller to have Joe Stewart find us a new lawyer. The motion died from the lack of a second.
Motion by Lee Nino that the Association drop the fines against unit 6226 if they agree to drop their lawsuit for landscaping damages and have the lawyer notify them. Seconded by John Lanier. A roll call vote was asked for, the results are as follows: Nino – Yes, Holt – Yes, Yanoff – Yes, Lanier – Yes, O’Connor – Yes, Pirrera – No, Miller – Yes, Brickhouse – Yes. Motion carried.
The secretary was asked to strike the last sentence in paragraph five of the August 24, 2009 minutes which reads “Board members volunteered to help with his request.” Motion by Lee Nino to approve the August 24, 2009 minutes. Seconded by Joy Yanoff. A role call vote was asked for, the results are as follows: Nino – Yes, Holt – Yes, Lanier – Yes, O’Connor – Yes, Yanoff – Yes, Pirrera – No, Miller – No, Brickhouse – Yes. Motion carried
Motion by Tim Miller seconded by John Lanier and carried to accept the Sep. 12, 2009 minutes
The financial report was presented by Joe Stewart. O’Connor had a question which Mr. Stewart was to research and email the Board concerning. Motion made by Tim Miller, seconded by Tony Pirrera and carried to approve the financial report.
The following Management report was given by Joe Stewart.
1 – Home Inspection 6013
2 – Hoyt fine
3 – Pave phase 2
4 – Pool contract 2 years at $9500 with free salt system current cost $13,500.
5 – 6208 siding bay window
6 – 6038 fascia rotten
He added to item 4 - Painting Pool Bid of $4500.
Under old business the Rules and Regulations Document that was revised by the committee was presented. The Board discussed the change of the height of bedding plants and shrubs that are planted beside the sidewalk. The majority agreed that bedding plants adjacent to the sidewalk should not exceed two feet and shrubs not to exceed 3 and a half feet. Upon motion by Tim Miller, seconded by Joy Yanoff it was moved that the document that was distributed with the above changes be accepted as the Rules and Regulations Policy of Northclift Townhouse Association. The role call vote is as follows: Pirrera – Yes, Yanoff- Yes, Brickhouse – Yes, O’Connor – Yes, Holt – Yes. Nino – No, Miller Yes. Motion carried.
The Board discussed adding walkways behind Phase two. It was decided to postpone discussion until the next meeting and to ask Mr. Stewart to bring the price for other materials.
Lee Nino gave his report on the pool usage for the past season. The board discussed the leaks and other problems associated with the pool. They asked Mr Stewart to try and find out costs of meeting the new Federal guidelines and report back to the board.
Upon motion by Tim Miller, seconded by Tony Pirrera and carried Mrs. June Davenport ( 6212) was elected to fill the unexpired term of Akhtar Paktiwal elected to a three year term on Jan 13, 2009.
Upon motion by Tony Pirrera, seconded by Mary Beth O’Connor and carried, that the Landscapers prune hedges, seed and fertilize the lawns were needed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by
Tim Miller, Pres.
J. D. Brickhouse, Sec.