MINUTES OF March 16, 2010
The Board of Directors of Northclift Townhouse Association met at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 16, 2010 at the home of President Pirrera (5971 Dixon). Board members present were: Tony Pirrera, Pres. (5971), Lee Nino, V-P (5977), J. D. Brickhouse, Treas. (5965), Tim Miller, Sec. (5973), and June Davenport (6212). No guests were present.
The meeting opened at 7:01 PM
- February meeting minutes – accepted - no corrections needed
- February financials approved
Management Report:
- Wilson Properties supplied tentative schedule for specific repairs/work to be done in the first part of the year.
- CD was redeemed. New one opened with 1.5% interest.
- Architecture Review was submitted for Unit 5915. Will be reviewed by the Architecture Committee.
- Letters were sent to numerous units for assorted violations & fines.
- Motion (JD, 2nd Lee): Pool be opened for 2010, and the Association take Wilson Properties’ advice and switch to the salt-water filtration system with a 2-year contract
- Motion (Lee, 2nd Tim): Institute a $100 per unit fee for pool operation for 2010.
Traffic Circle:
- Estimated cost: $2,500
- 23 foot diameter circle, centered on light pole
- 8” curb all around. Board had discussed possibility of having a taller curb on the low end of the area to receive the traffic circle to help level out the area. However, the raised curb could be an obstruction to some homeowners trying to back out of their parking spots.
- Motion (Lee, 2nd Tim): Contract for traffic circle improvement as per estimate.
Tree Removal:
- Too many large trees creating excessive shade, which is causing mold issues, as well as trees that are old/decrepit, and causing excessive erosion
- Volunteers to walk property to mark trees to be removed, with full Board to review.
Entrance Signs:
- Need to be repainted
- Board will review framing with stone and/or moving/reseating later when we upgrade the landscaping at the Association entrances.
Phase 2 Parking Lot Repairs – Core Sampling:
- Questions were raised concerning whether the repairs were done per the contract.
- Tony to ask Joe Stewart for a copy of the repair contract
- Board to decide if Sampling to be done once contract is reviewed
Motion to adjourn made by JD, seconded by Lee. Meeting adjourned 9:05 PM.