Why is our quiet neighborhood now threatened with as many as 120 aircraft over-flights /day?
In 1999, The San Antonio Airport contracted Ricondo and Associates to perform a “Far 150 Noise Abatement Update Study”. To receive Federal funds, the airport can periodically conduct FAR 150 noise studies. Finding a way to reduce the number of people affected by noise would give the Airport 80% funding for projects like extending runways.
Current Runway Configuration
Runway Direction Len/Width
------ ------ ----------
12L/30R Est/Wst 5519 X 100
12R/30L Est/Wst 8502 X 150
03/21 Nth/Sth 7505 X 150
A Tactical Committee was formed and composed of experts and affected citizens. Unfortunately, no committee members were from Northern Hills.
In March 2000, the committee recommended the following noise abatement procedures to City Council for their approval, and the council was to send these on to the FAA.
The Proposed Plan
1) Lengthen the North/South Runway (03/21) by 1500 feet.
2) Designate 03/21 as the Primary Runway, directing over 120 flights per day to take off on this runway.
3) Reduce the flights on the East/West runways 12L/30R and 12R/30L.
4) Ask planes to use noise abatement take-off procedures.
5) Mandate that planes leaving 03/21 to the north make a 15 degree turn upon takeoff, and fly “over the cement plant” (and Northern Hills).
Why This Plan Hurts Northern Hills.
1. By “redistributing” aircraft noise to our area every few minutes!
2. The noise won’t stop at the Golf Course.
3. Air pollution from these planes would be added to our dust from the cement plant.
4. Reduction in Property values of our homes, and the values of our NH neighbors’ homes and businesses. Estimate a 12% to 42% loss in value.
5. Businesses and apartments on Thousand Oaks and Bulverde Road would be subject to very high noise levels.
6. Reduction in overall quality of life.
7. No more Backyard fun or barbecues!
8. Phone conversations would be interrupted.
9. Sports, school, and church activities would be affected indoors and out.
10. Kerosene fuel residue from exhaust would coat our cars, sidewalks, lawns, and trees, (and lungs).
11. Children who live in flight paths have been proven to perform substandard in schoolwork.
Study the Map shown in the link called 2004 Noise Contour - NH.
A 15-degree turn causes the flight path to be over the cement plant. The proposed noise contour map shows that the “bad noise” stops at the edge of the Northern Hills Golf Course. Does this mean we will not hear anything after that point? For the noise plan to be accepted, fewer people must be in the projected 65 DNL (Day Night Levels) contour map. Diverting air traffic “over the cement plant” allows the 65 DNL noise contours to avoid most of the subdivisions knowingly built under the flight path. This gets the bottom line numbers way down. The line conveniently stops at the edge of the golf course, and they say we won’t be affected! They say that WE are in the acceptable noise level contour, and therefore they will not pay to have our homes soundproofed. The fact is Northern Hills will have 120 planes overhead EVERY DAY.
Single event noise will be over 90 decibles.
Is it fair that we bought our homes in an area that was not in the flight track, only to have the flight track moved over us? Is it even logical? Is it safe? Is it right?
We have never been subjected to direct overflights in the past, and now is no time to start. The Northern Hills subdivision was developed, houses built, and homes bought by people who thought they would always be allowed to live in peace and quiet - and not be in the flight track. The current airport system will serve San Antonio for many years to come safely and without wasteful runway extensions and aircraft diversions.
What Can You Do To
Contact your Councilman, Your Mayor, and all City Council Members today, and tell them not to send this plan to the FAA. You can (and will) make a difference.
Email us