Prepared by:
Ricondo & Associates, Inc.
Pupose of this Session
* Brief City Council on the Part 150 (Airport Noise) Study
- Nature of the noise impacts
- Technical Bacground
- Findings of the analysis
* Present the recommended noise compatibility program
* Receive Council approval to proceed with public meetings and to refine the program for submission to the FAA
* Public workshops on April 4 and 5
* Formal public hearing in May
* Finalize report in June and submit to City Council
* City Council approval in June
* Submit to FAA
- FAA performs reviews (environmental, procedural, safety, capacity)
- FAA has 180 days to review the Noise Exposure Maps, but there is no time limit for approval of the program
Project Schedule
* After FAA approval, the City can implement the noise compatiblity measures and will be eligible for federal funding up to 80% of the implementation costs.
Critical Elements of the Study
* Public participation
* Technical expertise
* Involvement of the public and all other affected parties to reach balanced recommendations.
* Formed specifically to provide input for the study, consistent with requirements of FAR Part 150
* Membership includes
- Southwest Airlines
- FAA Air Traffic Control
- National Business Aircraft Assn. representative
- Chamber of Commerce
- Noise Abatement Advisory Committee representatives
- Community representatives
- Homeowner representatives from all sides of the airport, including a commercial airline pilot
* Visitors attended every TAC meeting
[ Slide showing TAC Neighborhood members]
{NOTE} NO NHHA members were in the TAC.
Noise Abatement Advisory Committee
* Long standing committee formed as a recommendation of the prior Airport Noise Study
* Membership includes:
- Aviation industry representatives
- Neighborhood association members
- Chamber of Commerce
- Alamo Area Council of Governments
- Airport Advisory Committe represntatives
- City Council representatives
* Reviewed and agreed to bring the program, as recommended, forward to City Council
* Recognized existence of noise exposure issues around the Airport
* Examined all options based on study team ideas and input, including all proposals received from TAC
- Analyzed options based on technical expertise, knowledge of other airports, and understanding of local conditions, recognizing that what works at other airports may not work here
- Considered airspace interactions and airport capacity
* Developed recommended measures that can be implemented
* Goal is to ensure that some from of noise abatement is implemented
* Invited participation from all interested parties
* Recommend measures that:
- Reduce noise in noise sensitive areas, not just move it to other noise sensitive areas
- Maintain airport capacity
- Do not compromise safety
* Ground Run-up Enclosure
- Begin construction this summer
- Expands ability of aircraft maintenance tenants to do engine test runs at night
* Residential Sound Insulation Pilot Program
- Five homes to be acoustically treated
- To be completed in August
* Both of these are being paid for, in part, with federal noise funds
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