I attended the noise abatement committee meeting that is held on the First Tuesday of each month at noon in the mezzanine conference room of Terminal A.
The group discussed Avigation easements, the Safe House, and the soundproofing of homes test that will be going on later this summer.
There was also a presentation by an officer of Federal Express, and he explained the development and implimentation of the Hush-Kits. The hush kits do reduce noise, but mostly for the direction of travel. Let me explain.
They measure the 85 dB noise levels that are emitted by jet aircraft without hushkits. The Noise pattern (much like the ones in the maps) are 3 miles wide, and 16 MILES long. After the hush kits are installed, the pattern is 2.5 miles wide and 6 miles long. That is why the planes sound about the same to us. We are just over a mile from the current flight path. When the planes edge towards Wetmore, we experience the 85 dB noise.
Bet you cant wait until they are directly over us!
The Ricondo Far 150 study will be completed by the end of August, and then there will be 30 days for public comments. Come back and watch the newsletter, and we will post the dates when they are given to us.
The final recommendations will probably go to the FAA in September, but who knows.... they could hit another snag and have it delayed again.
Next Noise abatement Committee meeting is Oct 3rd.
John Penry
If anyone thinks that I am writing lies, untruths, or exaggerations, please email me. If I can't back up what I say, I will remove the statement from this website.