Northridge Village HOA Board Meeting
March 8, 2006
Attendees: Annie Neroda, Jim Tomlinson, Irma Tomlinson, Penny Peterson, Lynn Wiletsky
1. Call to Order: Annie Neroda called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m.
2. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the January 9 Board meeting were approved, as amended.
3. Old Business:
a) Landscaping: Annie and David Neroda removed the oranges from the citrus tree along 8th Street. Jim Tomlinson will identify the home where oranges from a tree in a back patio are falling in the alley; homeowner will be asked to trim the fruit from the tree. Several areas were identified where dead plants need to be replaced and irrigation system needs to be adjusted. Annie will contact Acacia regarding walk-thrus; Irma Tomlinson volunteered to participate in the walk-thrus.
There may be broken irrigation pipes by the back patios near Units 18 & 23. Annie will ask Acacia to determine scope of problem and repair leaks.
b) Trees: The latest Copper Canyon proposal of $2211 to trim the trees was approved. Since the tree trimming budget is $1800 for the year, the $636 cost to remove a pine tree will be covered by Reserves. The cost (approximately $300) to annually trim the palm trees in the green belt area was approved.
c) Rat Control: Jim Tomlinson will notify Jeff Hubbs to cover the Truly Nolan expenses for roof rat control from the Reserves account for 2006. Possible future costs will be discussed further at the next Board meeting. Board members expressed interest in receiving regular updates on the progress of controlling the roof rat population.
d) Garage Doors: A letter will be sent to the homeowners requesting immediate painting of their garage doors.
e) Pool Fence: At the last Board meeting, Jeff Hubbs was asked to contact the authorities to determine whether or not the lattice work definitely needs to be replaced. This is a priority item since the situation must be resolved prior before summer. Annie will contact Bob Brown regarding the situation.
4. New Business:
a) Treasurer?’s Report: Jim Tomlinson recommended that we transfer $5,000 from Reserves to a CD. Recommendation was approved, and Jim will notify Jeff Hubbs regarding the transfer. Jim will also review the Reserve categories to determine if they need to be revised for 2007; this will be discussed at the next Board meeting.
b) Property Management: Board discussed the responsibilities and level of response that is expected from a property management company.
c) Limiting Rentals: Annie will ask Jeff about pending legislation regarding the right of Homeowner?’s Association to limit rentals. The Board agreed that no rentals should be permitted. There is currently no limitation in Northridge CC&Rs, and any changes to the governing documents would require a general vote.
d) Pool Furniture: Some of the pool furniture is in disrepair. Board members were asked to look for sales, particularly for lounge chairs.
e) Sharing of Board Responsibilities: Annie asked Board members to assist in various tasks regarding the complex. Irma will check on the pool area; Penny will identify light bulbs by the pool area and cul-de-sac that need to be replaced; Annie will post a sign in the pool area asking people to clean up after themselves.
f) Welcoming New Residents: Penny proposed that the Board personally welcome new residents, at which time they could be given a copy of the homeowners?’ phone list, architectural standards, etc.
The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 725 E. Gardenia Dr., commencing at 7 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p