Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2006
Attendees: Lynn Wiletsky, Annie Neroda, Penny Peterson, James Sult, Mercy Sciotto
I. Meeting was called to order by Lynn at 3:40.
II. Homeowner?’s Forum -- No homeowner asked to be on the agenda.
III. Approval of Minutes -- Moved and seconded by Penny and Annie; motion passed unanimously.
IV. Treasurer?’s Report -
A. Annie is currently reviewing, cleaning up and reformatting the financial reports in order to get an accurate total of what is in the reserves and checking account. There is some concern about missing payments that may have been put into the wrong ledger/account. Also mentioned was a change as to how many signatures are required on checks as well as the dollar amount that could be signed by the Property Manager. It was suggested only one signature required with a limit of $500.00. Wendy, Lynn and Annie have approved signatures.
B. Lynn is waiting for confirmation from Stan Strege, the Allstate representative in regards to raising the deductible to $5,000.
C. Wendy has requested a $100.00 per month budget for Robbie, our handyperson . It was decided to approve a limit of $500.00 per year, with Robbie doing a walk around every 2 months and bringing the "need to fix" items to the board.
D. Lynn will amend the CC&Rs in regards to renters and record the amended CC&Rs with the County.
V. Architectural Committee Report - The architectural committee consists of Megan Sult, Terry Harper, Irwin Goldstein with alternates Irma Tomlinson and Paul Moser. There was no committee report at this time.
VI. Old Business
A. Landscaping - A notice from the city was received on November 1, 2006.We have been advised corrective action must be taken by homeowners to trim trees and vegetation along the property line and growing into the alley. Dan from Acacia trimmed the tall grass in the alley. Re-inspection date by the city was November 12, 2006. The city may come back to the association if the trees have not been trimmed, at which time the Board will advise the city that each homeowner is responsible for their own yard. Dan will also start on the sprinkler repairs in May of 2007. It was mentioned that the red flags used for sprinkler system repairs need to be kept out were they are accessible to everyone. Penny suggested they be kept out behind her back wall.
B. Parking - There was a question about fees for reserved parking slots which are $25.00; record of payments will be reviewed and homeowners still owing will be advised.
C. Rat Control - Truly Nolan acknowledged termination of services as of December 1, 2006. It will now be up to each homeowner to keep up with rat control. Possible liability issues will be looked into in regards to handling the traps. We will have 22 rat traps which will be numbered in order to keep track of placement. Lynn and Annie volunteered to show homeowners how to bait the traps; homeowners will be responsible for emptying them, as well. Homeowners may pick up a trap(s), plus the association will put some out in the common areas.
D. BBQ - Wendy stated that if the gas to the BBQ is cancelled, SW Gas will charge a $60.00 plus tax reconnect fee and a possible deposit if we turned it on again. Annie will check with a few places like BBQ Galore to see what it would take to retro fit the BBQ with propane. It was mentioned that the association may pay for the first tank and the homeowners would be responsible for refills afterwards.
E. Pool Fencing - Lynn, Irma and Megan looked at pool fencing from Home Depot to replace the lattice work around the ramada. Penny's contractor Dave will provide us with a quote; the lowest bid to use wrought iron was $1500.00.
VII. New Business:
A. Yard Sale - A yard sale is planned for November 18th, Saturday, from 7:30am through approx. 11 am. Signs will be placed Friday evening or Saturday morning. Homeowners will be reminded to not hold the sale out of their garage or lawn as there is some concern about traffic and parking. All of the items should be marked. Mercy will provide 1 or 2 rolling racks for clothing or hanging items and grocery bags. The sprinkler system will need to be turned off Friday night.
B. Holiday Party - This year?’s Holiday Party will be at Penny 's house on December 3rd from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Everyone will be asked to bring a favorite dish to share.
C. Ramada Paint Party - The walls needing paint will be gone over with a wire brush to get rid of any loose stucco and primed on Friday, November 24 and painted on Saturday, November 25. The sprinkler system will need to be turned off Friday and Saturday.
D. Water Meters - Lynn, Sandy and Irwin volunteered at the annual meeting to examine the possibility of switching to individual water meters.
E. Sewer Adjustment Request - Sewer Rate Adjustment Forms will need to be completed for each homeowner.
VIII. Next Board Meetings:
A. December 13, 2006 at 725 E. Gardenia Dr. (Lynn's) @6:00 to 8:00, to discuss the budget.
B. January 21, 2007 at 741 E. Gardenia Dr.(Mercy's) @ 3:30 to 5:00. Complete Board meeting and Budget.
Adjourn 5:20