Attendees: Paul Moser, Debye Kerbey, Jim Teilborg, Rich Weber, Lynn Wiletsky, Bob Brown
Guests: Dan Miller, Acacia Landscaping
I. Call to Order. Paul Moser called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
II. Minutes. The minutes from the May 12 meeting were approved.
III. Treasurer?’s Report. Rich Weber presented the April and May financials. Income for April was $7,285; operating expenses were $5,072 for a net income of $1,504; the only extraordinary expense was $417 for sprinkler repairs. Income for May was $6,971; operating expenses were $4,822. Payment for pool furniture, cement work and other repairs in the pool area were not reflected in the May totals.
As of May 31, cash reserves total $10,600. There are two categories, street lighting and repairs/painting to stucco walls, that have insufficient funds budgeted on a monthly basis in reserves. Rich estimated that reserving an additional $3/unit/month for the walls and $2/unit/month for the lights would be sufficient. The proposed increase could be presented at the annual meeting.
IV. President?’s Report. Among the items discussed were the insurance claim regarding the fire in Unit #16, and methods to verify that the pool service and exterminating service have occurred as scheduled before payment is made. Bob Brown will contact both companies to ensure compliance. A welcome was extended to Ben Munro, new homeowner in Unit #9.
V. Old Business
a. Website. The new website is now operating on the City of Phoenix web site ?–
b. Repair Work. Repairs approved at the May meeting have been completed: cement work by the mailbox, painting and repair around the pool area, and new pool furniture.
VI. New Business.
a. Sprinkler Problems. Dan Miller, Acacia, presented a list of five sprinkler repair items and estimated repair costs for Board consideration. There are several irrigation leaks that need to be addressed, particularly those where tree roots have damaged lines. Dan recommended three areas for immediate action: It was moved and seconded to perform the following repairs: 10 cut and cap old bubbler line and run new line at 745 E. Gardenia; 2) repair sprinkler line damaged from palm tree roots and add two sprinklers at 731 E. Orangewood; 3) repair tree root sprinkler line damage near the pool and the basketball hoop area at the cul-de-sac. Motion passed unanimously. Dan will provide a list of units which have water shut off valves that need to be replaced. Dan will also spread billing over a two-month period.
In February 2003 the Board approved that rather than replace the entire irrigation system at one time, repair work should be done on an as needed basis, and $1,000/year from reserves should be used for ongoing repairs.
The driveway repair items will be discussed at the next meeting. Paul will provide a copy of the legal opinion regarding responsibility for driveways at the next meeting.
b. Tree Trimming. Estimated costs to trim the palm trees are $15-25/tree. Bob Brown was authorized to proceed with getting the trees trimmed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. The next Board meeting is scheduled for 7 pm, September 8, at Paul Moser?’s house.