Attendees: Paul Moser, Debye Kerbey, Jim Teilborg, Rich Weber, Lynn Wiletsky, Bob Brown
Guests: Mac Kerbey
I. Call to Order. Paul Moser called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
II. Minutes. The minutes from the April 2 meeting were approved.
III. Treasurer?’s Report. Rich Weber presented the March financials. Income for the month was $8,288 (incl. $2900 in pre-payments); operating expenses were $5,230 for a net income of $3,058. No extraordinary expenses were noted. The Reserves have been updated through March. Two Reserve items to be discussed further are the stucco wall repairs and street light replacements; the latter could be raised at the annual meeting in October. Rich indicated to Bob Brown that the April financials, which will be presented at the next Board meeting, should debit the landscaping line item for expenses and credit Reserves.
IV. Architectural Committee. The Committee process is that all decisions must be made unanimously. Paul stated his top priority for the Committee is to update forms, as needed, and establish clear procedures, i.e., where to get an architectural request form, explanation of the process, etc., so homeowners comply with the CC&Rs. A copy of the Committee?’s May 7 meeting notes was made available.
V. Old Business
a. Website. The Association can access the city?’s free website for non-profits, which has a section for Homeowner Associations. David Neroda has stated that he will have the new website operative by fall. Until then, Lynn Wiletsky will forward the Board meeting minutes to Patty Barnes for posting on the current website.
b. Garage Doors. It was moved and seconded to amend the previous resolution to delete the requirement that a brown stripe be painted on Terry Harper?’s garage door and, instead, provide homeowners with the option to have their doors painted a solid color or painted with the brown stripe; passed unanimously.
c. Cement Repair Work. There is an area by the pool where a bush was removed that needs repair. Bob reported that it will cost approximately $425 for the repair and painting of the lattice work, and the cement repair will cost $1200. The corner of 7th Place and Gardenia, near the lights, was also identified as an area needing repair. A homeowner has offered to do the repair work, and the question of insurance covering volunteer labor was discussed. Bob will research this further to determine liability. It was moved and seconded to approve the cement repair work and the lattice repair and painting by the pool area; passed unanimously.
d. Sprinklers. There are four areas where leaks are very deep and the water is overflowing into the street. Desert Rain Irrigation charges $65/hour for repair work; Acacia charges $35/hour or $55/hour, depending on the type of leak. Companies will not give firm bids because the extent of the work cannot be pre-determined. Bob was authorized to talk to Desert Rain and Acacia, and to proceed with the repairs using the least expensive method.
e. Pool Furniture. The chairs and loungers should be replaced, however, this is not a current budgeted item. Bob stated that his firm has a commercial account with Paddock Pools which would charge $900 to purchase and deliver 3 loungers and 4 chairs. The loungers could be replaced at a cost of approximately $400-$500. It was moved and seconded to replace 3 loungers for a maximum of $500, including tax and delivery; passed unanimously.
f. Brick Work. Paul did a walk-though and noted areas needing repair. Homeowners are responsible for repairs within their ?“fence/gated?” area, and it is the Board?’s responsibility to maintain the common areas. Debye has a list of units that may need brick work repair.
g. Drainage Problem. It was moved and seconded to send Unit #5 a letter stating that the Board does not believe the drainage repair will solve the problems previously indicated, but the homeowner should submit an architectural request to the Architectural Committee with a specific resolution to the problem which would, if repaired, be at the homeowner?’s expense; passed unanimously. The letter is to be sent within 15 days.
VI. New Business.
a. Communication with Property Manager. It was emphasized that the property management company will not issue a citation letter to homeowners until Paul and Bob have had a chance to talk about it.
b. Board Member Term Limits. Debye raised the issue of setting term limits for Board members. An alternative was proposed to encourage homeowners to run on the ballot at the annual meeting. Board members serve a one-year term.. Paul suggested that if anyone wants to propose a revision to the By-laws, they should draft something for the Board to review.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm. The next Board meeting is scheduled for 7 pm, July 14, 2003, at Debye Kerbey?’s house.