Northridge Village HOA Board Meeting
March 07, 2005
Attendees: Lynn Wiletsky: Rich Weber; Penny Peterson; Irma Tomlinson, Charles Atkinson; Felicity Wellings; Jeff Hubbs
1. Call to Order: Lynn Wiletsky called the meeting to order at 7.05 p.m.
2. Homeowners Forum: No one was present to participate in the Homeowner?’s Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the January 10, 2005 Board meeting were approved.
4. Architectural Commiittee: The Committee met on February 10 2005. Sale or Rental signs and political signs were discussed. This is covered in the CC&Rs. Bob Brown Assoc, will scan the document and enclose it in a mailing with a covering memo.
4. Treasurer?’s Report: Total income for January, 2005 was $7,780.09. Which included monies for the special assessment? Operating expenses were $5,462.78. Net income after transfer to the Reserve Fund was$1,605.00. Motion to approve the Treasurer?’s report was made and seconded; passed unanimously.
5. Old Business: Lynn Wiletsky did a walk through with Dan and talked about the dry area at the front. To use large river rock would cost in the region of $900.00. Some saving could possibly be made if smaller rocks were utilized but the Board considered that we would be better served to use the larger rocks and that $900.00 should be allotted for this purpose.
The Ramada needs repair to the roof; the skylights and repairing cracked stucco. Bids are required for replacing the wooden slats.
Sprinkler system on Orangewood: Dan has been given the go-ahead for overhauling the system.
Cul-de-Sac: Rick Weber talked to Treeline Design. James suggested that a quick fix would be to get the trees trimmed, cut the oleanders; remove evergreens; put in a ground cover and a breakwater. As we have $1500 in reserve, $1000.00 could be used this purpose. A bid is to be obtained for the brickwork.
Walkway Lighting: Desert Rain originally gave a quotation for $3025.00 but with amendments this has now been reduced to $2688.00. It was agreed that Penny would call and obtain paint samples and give the go ahead for work to proceed.
6. New Business: A sign-up will be posted for citrus fruit to be removed on Sunday, March 13 2005
The next Board meeting will be held at & pm, Monday May 9th 2005 at Penny Peterson?’s House.
The meeting adjourned at 7.55 pm.