Northridge Village HOA Board Meeting
May 9, 2005
Attendees: Lynn Wiletsky: Rich Weber; Penny Peterson; Irma Tomlinson, Charles Atkinson; Jeff Hubbs
1. Call to Order: Lynn Wiletsky called the meeting to order at 7.05 p.m.
2. Homeowners Forum: No one was present to participate in the Homeowner?’s Forum.
3. Approval of Minutes: The minutes of the March 7, 2005 Board meeting were approved.
4. Architectural Committee: The Committee met on May 4 2005 to discuss an architectural change request from Unit #1 to install a wrought iron fence over her back wall. This was approved providing the fence was painted the color of the wall and neighboring homeowners would agree to have it installed on their portion of the wall.
5. Treasurer?’s Report: Total income for February, 2005 was $7382 and March was $7,287. Operating expenses were $5,222.00 and $6,921.00 for February and March, respectively. Net income after transfer to the Reserve Fund was $1,448.00 and ($348.00). Motion to approve the Treasurer?’s report was made and seconded; passed unanimously.
6. Old Business: Lynn Wiletsky did walk-throughs with Dan Miller, Acacia and Jeff Hubbs.
a) Landscaping walkthrough:
?• Bottle Brush tree by the pool needs to be removed or cut as it is causing problems for the pool motor. Jeff to get quote from Copper Canyon.
?• Discussed $645.00 plus tax bid from Nautilus to fix the walkway by the side gate, which includes shaving the cement block by the gate and repairing the cracks made by the tree roots. A different approach to fix this damage was reviewed and Jeff will get another quote from Nautilus.
?• Jeff to remind Dan of the irrigation problem in front of 731 E. Orangewood.
?• Jeff to speak with Dan regarding the supervision of the Landscaping crew to ensure that the pool gate is firmly closed after they have cleaned around the pool.
?• Jeff to check with Treeline about the plants by the pool parking area that should be replaced under the guarantee.
b) Lighting: The middle globe on the light fixture on the southeast corner of the pool needs to be re-affixed. The electrical problem in the storage room on the northwest side of the clubhouse still needs to be fixed.
c) Property walk-through: Jeff presented the Board with a bid of $1900 from Advanced Painting & Contractors to make the clubhouse repairs. Jeff will check with Advanced to see if this includes repairing the wood lattice behind the bulletin board. The Board approved the repairs.
7. New Business: Acacia has increased their monthly fee by $25 which, for this fiscal year, can be absorbed within the current budget.
?• Jeff to check into the special rate of 3.5% for a 1-yr CD at First National Bank ; if possible, $10,000 can be transferred into a CD
?• The City of Phoenix lists the schedules and pick up sites for hazardous waste pick up; Penny and Lynn to take the old paint we have in storage.
?• The Block Watch program was discussed; we all need to be vigilant and be alert to any strangers on the property
?• A letter will be sent to Unit #6 regarding the maintenance of his car parked in the Reserved parking and visitor overnight parking on his driveway.
?• Rich presented the list of the 2005 Projects with priority recommendations, based on the monetary or liability consequences if not completed. The items were: clubhouse repairs; Bottle Brush tree removal; sprinkler repair on Orangewood; cul-de-sac parking area landscaping; 7th St. river rock in-fill; sidewalk concrete repair. The Board agreed that the top project are the Ramada repairs and the last, which will need to wait until 2006, is the 7th street river rock .
The next Board meeting will be held on Monday, July 11th, 2005, at Irma Tomlinson?’ house.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.