Northwest Neighborhood Association

Parking on sidewalks

Posted in: San Gabriel
I discovered that the recent spate of ticking for parking on our sidewalks was initiated by the SG neighborhood association! And here I was mistakenly blaming the City and our police.

I have written to Nina Trasoff asking for her intervention on our behalf.

In my section of SG, our lots are small and designed for one car parking. Our streets are narrow. Parking on-street obscures vision, blocks mailboxes, and makes it nigh on impossible for the trash/recycling drivers to get their work done. Our sidewalks are not city-maintained with paved walkways ... no-one walks on them regardless of whether vehicles are parked there or not.

Knock it off please ... the cops are not here to fight personal vendettas. Please stop making all your neighbors' lives impossible, and our neighborhood streets dangerous for no good reason.

Let us park on our sidewalks, safely out of the way, where we have done so for years.

Who is with me?

By Bev
Typo corrections

Apologies for the typo ... of course I meant ''recent spate of TICKETING for parking'' and not ticking.

By Bev
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Sorry you are mistaken

I am not sure if it is you who started the vicious rumor that it was the San Gabriel/Palomar Neighborhood Assoc. that is responsible for Parkwise issuing citations. If you are, I would like you to know that I consider it malicious slander. I hope that you are not but you need to know how much grief this has caused me and my family. I had a neighbor show up at my door last week ( who I don't even know and am not sure how he knows me.) Waiving tickets in my husbands face saying somehow I am responsible for him getting them. He threatened that he was going to make our lives a '' living hell in this neighborhood''. He called in false claims to DNR about us for no apparent reason. I did not call Parkwise on him and don't know who did. I am completely dumbfounded by all this. We did have Parkwise come to our last meeting to educate everyone on the new laws that took effect in June 07'because some folks had received warnings and had brought it up at the previous meeting. That's it.ANY TICKETS THAT ANYONE HAS RECEIVED WERE NOT FROM US REPORTING ANYONE. We don't do that, it's not our job. It is your neighbors right, however, to call in a violation if they want to.But again, it is not our job to do so. So please stop spreading false rumors! I would be more than happy to discuss this matter further with anyone, as I too want to live at PEACE in my own neighborhood.
Parking tickets

Dear Bev - I am the vol. treas. for SGNA. We are not an HOA and we want to keep things positive. What you have described is NOT any of our doing. Someone is misrepresenting themselves as a board member when calling Park Wise. I suggest you look closer to see who has the biggest concern about your parking. The SGNA Board has not gone to the city to complain about parking. Some neighbors have concerns about people parking junk cars, parking up in 'their' yards, some next to bedroom windows, and in alley easements. Some people are using city steets to park large work vehicles on - this has been illegal for years, and for years people have gotten ticketed. In response to other people voicing concern, Park Wise was invited to speak at our last meeting. As a group it is not our job to police this; we keep the voice of the neighorbood residents heard in city matters such as increased sky traffic over our streets, and alert neighbors if needed when crime hits. I understand a board member's relative also recived a parking ticket; so as you see, many have been ticketed. Parking is a problem in many neighborhoods. I sure don't mind people who have problems that we can appropriately address as a group effort, but this is probably not one of them. The city initially estab. parking reg. in order to keep central areas cleaned up; doing such reduces crime. It doesn't matter if the car out front is a Jaguar, or a little Corolla; if it is improperly parked it may get broken into, or it may impede someone's foot traffic. This is what we have been told by Park Wise. I like not having an HOA control everything - but sadly, sometimes not having one means some residents will, at some point, abuse a neighbor's patience. I do not know yours. Most homeowners would agree that their home is singlehandly their biggest investment- capable of doubling in value in 10 years. No other investment does this. If I make some simple changes which will attract good, and discourage one more criminal from walking around our streets, I want to do it, and I hope you do as well. Residents in Sam Hughes and Blenman also face limited parking. When older homes were built, most families had but one car. Owners have since thereby needed to modify their properties to accomodate more cars. SG and Palomar are now experiencing the same problems other more influential central neighborhoods have. The things now happening in our neighborhood are a reflection of this. I don't know your particulars, nor why your lot is so narrow you cannot make room for another car, nor have room to park in-line. I must appreciate that the city has rules in place. I don't permit parking in the zones Park Wise advised againest because I don't want a ticket. I hear some residents got multiple tickets - I don't understand this. One ticket would suffice me to do something different, even if it cost me elbow grease or money to make room for another car in my personal yard. If that wasn't possible, I would find a house that fits my needs better. If I stay in the SG area, I know I must make parking on my property a priority. I assure you that the current board members value your input. However, individual parking challenges are not an association issue, rather it is something each home owner must work on to meet his/her own needs. Many central owners have cut into their front yards, made short walls, and added additional parking; I have been driving around getting ideas myself. I encourage everyone to come to the mtg on 2-25-08. As you know, we do not make the city rules, nor do we enforce them. We are residents just like you, working hard, and putting in our valuable time to help people best we can. I hope you can resolve your challenge. If there is anything we can do, as an association, let's find out together.

By Shanon
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