Community Code Advisory Program Coming To
The O'Kane Park Neighborhood Association
The O'Kane Park Neighborhood ssociation is seeking volunteers to join us in articipating in the City of Lakewood's ommunity Code Advisory Program (CCAP).
In the CCAP, trained volunteers lead the way o a cleaner community by encouraging better property maintenance and removal of items itch as junk and graffiti. Working with Lakewood's Code Enforcement Section, CAP volunteers will help improve and maintain their neighborhood areas by dentifying specific violations and providing educational information about City Codes.
CCAP is a revised version of Lakewood's eighborhood Inspection Program, which was piloted by the Two Creeks Neighborhood rganization during 1997. The program was developed because residents in that area anted to find a way to assist with proactive enforcement of City Codes. The program ins residents to spot minor violations, to provide educational information to their neighbors about the violations, and also to help resolve the problems. The Two Creeks Neighborhood Inspection Program has been very successful, with 12 volunteers, working less than 8 hours a month, equaling the efforts of one full-time City Code Enforcement Officer.
CCAP volunteers survey properties from streets and alleys of designated areas, looking for code violations such as tall grass and weeds, graffiti, garbage and inoperable vehicles. The volunteers are not allowed on private property or to confront alleged violators. If a problem is spotted, information is provided to the property owner explaining the concerns and asking for cooperation in correcting the problem. At a future date, the volunteer returns to see if the problem has been corrected. If so, a thank-you letter is sent. If not, the violation is referred to Lakewood Code Enforcement.
Neighborhood and business organizations participating in CCAP enter into an agreement with the City that outlines the responsibilities of the organizations, Code Enforcement staff and the volunteers. CCAP volunteers act on behalf of the organizations, but are trained by Code Enforcement staff. The volunteers follow set guidelines regarding conduct and items for inspection, and if problems arise, the City could terminate the agreements, Volunteers report on a regular basis to Code Enforcement staff who are available for questions and guidance.
The CCAP program will officially be kicked-off in several northeast Lakewood areas this spring or summer, and training will be scheduled soon.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about CCAP, please call Scott Schilt, City of Lakewood Neighborhood Planner at 303-987-7536.