Oak Lea Residents
To become a member of the Oak Lea Neighborhood Association please pay your $5.00 yearly dues to any of the officers.
President Diane Schraut
Email: dschraut@insightbb.com
2012 White Oak Lane
Louisville Ky 40216
Home: 447-0428
Vice President Sheila Kimball
Email: skim2@insightbb.com
2016 White Oak Lane
Louisville Ky 40216
Secretary Christina Vincent
Email: singforhimtoday@gmail.com
5321 Oak Lea Drive
Louisville Ky 40216
Treasurer Shelley Hoffman
Email: shoffman29@insightbb.com
2005 White Oak Lane
Louisville Ky 40216
At Large James French
1921 Lower Hunters Trace
Louisville Ky 40216