Police, non-emergency
(619) 531-2000
Graffiti Hotline (619) 525-8522 sandiego.gov/graffiti
Environmental Services (includes waste code violations on public or private prop?¬erty): Fill out a Trash/Litter/Recycling Service Request fonn at apps.sandiego.gov/econtainer or call (858) 694-7000.
Metropolitan Wastewater (Sewer spills and bad sewer odor):
(619) 515-3525
Stonn water pollution hotline:
(619) 235-1000.
Neighborhood Code Compliance (in?¬cludes suspected noise, land development, disabled access, signs and zoning viola?¬tions):
(619) 236-5500.
Park and Recreation sandiego.gov/park-and?¬
recreation! general- info/mypark.shtml
Streets (includes road repairs, streetlights, street signs, stonn drains, maintenance of trees in public spaces and traffic signals):
(619) 527-7500.
A request for service can be filed online at apps.sandiego.gov/streetdiv
Transportation Engineering (includes requests for traffic signs, lights, markings, speed calming and parking): (619) 533?¬3126. A request for service can be filed online at:
sandiego .gov/ engineering?¬cip/services/pub lic/request.shtrnl
Water (includes water leaks, meter leaks or pressure problems): (619) 515-3525