If it means having our neighborhood secure, I don't personally believe any amount of money is out of line or "too expensive". The more police involvement the better. Let's face the facts, our community is in a changing mode, one from ownership and involvement to one of rental and indifference with the ones of us with financial involvement still hanging on trying to make the best out of our investments. That is not to say the neighbors who are renting don't care about the situation in our community, merely that they have no invested capital to motivate to succeed or fail. While a commitment to a scheduled patrol from law enforcement would be askew from the normal with this board of directors, we will not rule this option out at this time. This is where the neighbors in the area where the kids hang out and cause the mischief, notify this site of the times and numbers of kids and gathering locations, so we can observe and notate the kids, addresses and neighborhoods of said kids. Yes, the police will be involved and I will be the first to welcome the call from the parent when their child is hauled to jail for vandelism or mischief in our community.