Oaklawn Community Improvement Org.

CENTEX: Friend or Foe, You Decide

Posted in: McIntyre Matters
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  • BrianR
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  • Charlotte, NC
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When this post originally happened BJ asked me to read it and reply. The craziness of my schedule prevented me from doing it then but i really would like to comment even at this late hour.

We, here in McIntyre have a phenominal HOA. If they had a phenominally united  community behind them we would not have ANY of the struggles we now share. I remember that there was a meeting prior to the Centex "final walk through" and that the community attendance was deplorable. Organizations like Centex are conditioned to look for the cracks in the armour and to spot what they can use to exploit people and if that fails they just wait it out with the feeling that a community such as ours will not bind itself together in a single course of action. The sad truth is people like ourselves have conditioned them to think this way. NOTHING MOVES CORPORATIONS LIKE CENTEX MORE THAN GRASSROOTS UNITY. Why does the HOA have to give us hot dogs for them to get more than 40 people to attend a meeting? If we want change...SERIOUSLY want change we must come to the realization that it will not fall from the sky and land in our lots. WE HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. Please this battle with the Centex machine is not over and we can not afford to hide our heads in the sand and wait for a conclusion. Support our HOA with your presence...your ideas...and your energy.

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  • cmspeer
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I can appreciate your stance. I too commend the current HOA members for what appears to be a renewed vigor from when we moved in over 3 years ago. I can't speak for anyone but my own household, but there are a couple of reasons we don't attend nor are we involved with anything relating to the HOA or community.

I feel my desires for the community are not shared by the HOA. In no way do I condone or want a "clubhouse". We can't even get the vacant lots in the neighborhood mowed, how can I reasonably expect a clubhouse to not develop into an eyesore and another money pit for the HOA to raid it's pockets. It is a short-sighted goal and won't increase anyone's property value ONE BIT. It may help with some folks who have large gatherings and folks parked all over both sides of Bayview Parkway, but I doubt people are going to spend the extra to have their parties there instead of their residence. (not the fault of the homeowners, but the narrow streets). I mean we can't even keep the pool unvandalized. I can't possibly see how someone thinks a clubhouse is a priority over gating the community. I for one would gladly endorse a special assesment for gating the community.

We are also incredibly put off by what appears to be the non-enforcement of the HOA bylaws. Improper fences, improper placement of satellite dishes, above ground pools, care of grass, and visible trash receptacles. If the basic bylaws of the HOA can't be enforced, why would I care to get involved with a group who has no plans to use their power. If I'm incorrect on them actually being enforced, these need to be made public.

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  • d_huck
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  • Charlotte, NC
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It seems to me  that you  have lots of opinions ( on what u think should happen in the neighborhood) and lots of excuses (  why you dont attend or volunteer in the community). Gated communities might give residents a "pseudo" sense of security, but as a resident of a few gated communities I found them  to be nonfunctional for its sole purpose( to secure the neighborhood), ie vistors following others in who has code or pass, passes given out to non residents, etc etc.  The possiblity 12 hr security  in the community is maybe something that would serve as a better alternative than a gate. For example, Auston woods ( community a short distance up Reames rd)  recently added a security gate, but they had nighttime security on its property for the last several yrs. I'm sure their residents now have a greater sense of security now!!!

I do agree with you about the non-enforcement of the HOA bylaws. I propose getting a group of residents along with the board to update alot of the bylaws and covenants since most of them date back to 2002.  No 1 person, or small group of 10 can  effectively maintain or lead this community.

My question to anyone who reads this is..... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LATELY FOR YOUR  COMMUNITY?


  • Stock
  • cmspeer
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 13 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Excuses? I pay my HOA dues. I'm not required, or even obligated to "participate" in the HOA events. That fact shouldn't excuse me from being able to voice my opinion on my neighborhood. The fact that I pay my dues and follow the HOA rules give me as much right as anyone. How is my volunteering for the HOA going to suddenly make them start assesing fines and going after folks not following the rules. I'm not saying it's not being done, just without letting us know, we can only assume nothing is being done.

The gated system is easy to implement. No security patrol is necessary. Add a gate activated camera that records the plates of everyone entering and exiting the neighborhood. It's more than doable and I would imagine is a cheaper ammenity than adding a clubhouse. It's not a foolproof solution, but does that mean it shouldn't be done? Prisons aren't effective at getting rid of crime, should we not have them anymore? Because I like this location of this subdivision shouldn't mean I just have to put up with crime.

My concern is the apparent social focus of the HOA and not the tough love the neighborhood desperately needs. THere are two vacant lots near me that haven't been mowed in MONTHS (common space), yet our community is spending money in other areas that don't relate to the curb appeal of our neighborhood. The fact that we have a regular garage sale or casino trip isn't going to make our neighborhood attractive and help our appreciation. I'm sure we all bought houses for the same reason, as an investment. Well now our "investments" are worth less than we paid for them. I bought a 2962sqft model for 182k. There is house for sale in the community (largest model 3000+ sqft) for 180k. I feel the focus of an HOA should be on maintaining property values and I don't feel ours has their focus in that area. That's fine, I don't volunteer, but that's why. It's not an excuse, it's just how I feel. I'm not Jewish, so I don't go to Temple. That's not an excuse, it's just a fact.

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