Get more persons to pay dues!
I really think everyone in our edition can afford 16 1/2 cents per day. That means that everyone should be paying dues. Those that aren't are freeloading off the rest of us. If they think they can't afford that much, then they should move to another edition that doesn't care about keeping up the price of their home. If you raise dues for those of us that are willing to pay, then you are punishing us for trying to help the edition. Let's figure out a way to get everyone to pay the $60 yearly dues and then we will have enough money to operate.
I really think everyone in our edition can afford 16 1/2 cents per day. That means that everyone should be paying dues. Those that aren't are freeloading off the rest of us. If they think they can't afford that much, then they should move to another edition that doesn't care about keeping up the price of their home. If you raise dues for those of us that are willing to pay, then you are punishing us for trying to help the edition. Let's figure out a way to get everyone to pay the $60 yearly dues and then we will have enough money to operate.