Old Farm Neighborhood Association
22, 2007
Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be the Old Farm
Neighborhood Association.
Constitution - Revised - January 2006
Constitution Revised - February 2007
Article II - Purpose
1. The purpose of the Association shall
a. to
maintain and improve the dignity and integrity of the properties located in the
b. to preserve the residential quality of
the area.
c. to ensure orderly and compatible land
use in the area.
d. to encourage homeowners and owners of
rental properties and businesses to maintain and improve the real estate in the
e. to work together on problems and issues
of common concern.
f. to provide a voice for the members of
the Association.
Article III B Policy
The Association shall not
undertake any policy or action that would encourage discrimination (on the
basis of race, sex, creed, ethnicity, or sexual orientation) in housing.
The Association may engage in fund
raising activities only if these funds
are used for main streaming the Association and for the benefit of the
Article IV B Amendments
Article I B Membership
North: Rippling
Stream Road
South: Seven
Oaks Road
East: Whippoorwill
West: Roxboro
Any person residing in a contiguous area may apply for
membership in the Association.
2. Any duly
qualified member shall have the right to vote at regular meetings of the
Association or any special meeting thereof, so long as his/her membership is in
good standing.
3. A member in
good standing shall have an application on file and meet all financial
requirements for the current year.
Article II B Meetings
5. The fiscal year shall begin on January 1, and on
the following December 31.
Article III B Officers and
Executive Board & Election
1. All
officers are elected by ballot to serve a term of one year. Each officer may serve two (3) consecutive terms in any one office
if re-elected by the Association. Officers shall be elected in December and
installed at the Januarymeeting.
2. The elected officers of the
Association shall be: President, Vice
President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Assistant Parliamentarian, and Legal Redress.
3. The Association may elect other
officers as deemed necessary. Nominations for officers shall be made by a nominating committee
consisting of elected representatives from the association. The number of representatives on the
nominating committee is uneven and more than one.
4. All nominees
for officer positions shall present a plan of work, and or a vision statement
to the Nominating Committee.
5. All officers
shall perform the duties prescribed in the parliamentary authority in addition
to those outlined in these bylaws and those assigned from time to time.
6. All
officers shall deliver to their successors all official material within twenty
days following the meeting at which the successor is elected. Additionally all officers are to be available
as advisors to the newly elected officers should they be called upon.
7. When
vacancies occur in office the executive board shall make temporary appointments
until the people fill the vacancies by election by the general body.
8. The powers and duties of the
officers shall be as follows:
The President shall be the
principal representative and spokesperson for the Association; preside at all
meetings of the Association and the Executive Board; appoint Block Captains and
maintain list; call special meetings as deemed necessary; and otherwise carry
out duties customarily associated with the office of President. All assistants shall act
as an aide to their representative office and shall perform the duties of the
officer in their absence or inability of that officer to serve. Additionally, person serving in the vice and
assistant capacities are pressumed heir apparent to fill an office position of
the association and the next upcoming election.
b. The Vice President shall assist the
President in the duties of that office as requested by the President, and
preside at meetings of the Association and the Executive Board in the absence
of the President. The Vice President
shall appoint chairmen of the Standing Committees.
c. The Secretary shall keep an accurate
record of the meetings of the Association and the Executive Board and shall
prepare and submit minutes for
approval. The secretary shall send out
notices to members informing them of meetings.
d. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt
monies collected; shall pay authorized expenses and issue check upon receipt of
voucher bearing the signature of the President and others designated by the
Association; shall reconcile bank statements and present a monthly financial
report. The treasurer shall maintain
applications of financial members. The books of the treasurer shall be audited annually by an auditor
or an auditing committee which, satisfied that the treasurer=s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that effect
at the end of the report. The auditing
committee shall be appointed by the executive board at least thirty days before
the end of the fiscal year.
The treasurer shall be chairperson of the budget committee. A financial statement from the organization=s fiscal institution should be presented at each executive board
e. The Parliamentarian shall assist the
presiding officer in the interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws of the
Association; and shall advise the presiding officer on matters of parliamentary
procedure. Robert=s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Old Farm
Neighborhood Association in all cases in which they are applicable and in which
they are not in conflict with the bylaws and the constitution of the
f. Legal Redress shall provide legal
services for the Association.
5. The Executive Board
a. shall be composed of the officers of
the Association and committee chairs.
b. shall meet monthly and at such time and
place as the Executive Board may select.
c. shall have the power to act for the
Association between meetings of the membership and to carry out such duties and
responsibilities as are customarily associated with an Executive Board.
Article IV B Block Captains
1. The President shall appoint Block
Captains and maintain list of name, telephone number and address of each
1. Welcome
and Courtesy Committee
a. shall
consist of at least three members appointed by the Executive Board.
b. shall
officially welcome new residents and inform them of the Neighborhood Association.
c. shall
present amenities as needed on behalf of the Association.
2. Safety
a. shall consist
of at least 3 members.
b. shall be
appointed by the Executive Board.
c. shall
coordinate and submit new policies concerning the safety and well being of
Association members to the Executive Board.
d. shall
develop and maintain programs with city agencies to improve safety within the
Association boundaries.
e. shall
develop and administer the Neighborhood Watch program.
3. Beautification
a. shall
consist of at least 3 members.
b. shall be
appointed by the Executive Board.
c. shall
coordinate and submit new policies concerning beautification of yards and
d shall
enforce the Neighborhood Covenant
a. shall
consist of at least 3 members.
b. shall be
appointed by the Executive Board.
c. shall
develop fund raising ideas and create proposals for grants that will benefit
the Association.
5. Nominating Committee
b. shall prepare a slate of nominees for
each office of the Association.
c. shall conduct the election and
installation of Association officers.
6. Ad hoc Committee
Special committees are created and are appointed for a specific
purpose is automatically dissolved when their work is done and its final report
is made to the executive board and/or at a regular meeting.
7. Publicity
Establish and maintain contacts with media. Arrange for announcement and interviews on
television, radio and news papers of programs and activities. Members should photograph and/or video
8. Budget Committee
The budget committee shall
be composed of five member, one of whom shall be the treasurer, two elected
from the executive board and two from the general membership. Nominations shall be made from the floor and
election shall be by ballot. The two
receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected. The two receiving the next highest number of
votes shall be the alternates.
The committee shall prepare an annual budget and present it to the
executive committee. The executive
committee shall present an annual budget to the general membership for approval
in part or in its entirety.
Article VI B Dues
1. The Association shall have the right
to assess dues for the support of the Association. Dues shall be assessed at
$12.00 per year for each member. Voluntary supplemental contributions shall be
welcomed and accepted.
2. Only
members who have paid their dues shall be eligible to vote in regular and
special meetings.
3. The amount of dues
and time of payment are determined by the executive board and approved by the
organizational membership. Members shall be valid for one fiscal year
regardless of time of payment.
Article VII B Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by the
membership of the Association at a regular or special meeting called for that
purpose. At least thirty (30) days notice must be given to the members before
the regular or special meeting.
A two-thirds vote of the members
present and voting at the meeting shall be required for adoption of the proposed amendment. The amendment shall take effect immediately
upon adoption.
Article VIII B Dissolution
Should the Old Farm Neighborhood Association dissolve and cease to
exist, the assets will be donated to a charitable organization(s) selected by
the Executive Board.
Appendix I - Ballot
Appendix II - Nominating Officer Criteria