Whenever the meeting is, if not before I would really like to address the standing water in empty lots. I live on Beaufort Lane where I think that it is the worse, the water is on both sides of me and across the street from me. I understand that when a house goes up it will be fixed but who is going to want to buy a lot that looks like that? The water seems like it got even worse when they tried to fix it by digging a trench (safety hazard). I have to young boys that whenever they go outside want to run and play in the mud. Not to mention when summer comes how bad it will make the mosquito population around here, since they lay eggs in standing water. You would think that Lacrosse Homes would want their neighborhood looking its best, as do I.
By A. Wolhar

- gusman66
- Respected Neighbor
- Milford, DE
- 42 Posts
Standing water
I know you are going to hate to hear this, but the association does not own the empty lots. They are owned and maintained by Lacorsse Homes. We can ask them as an association to maintain them properly and to abide by the Association rules. I am not aware that there is anything in the association rules that deals with those issues. We can try asking nice as an association though

- ellisc
- Respected Neighbor
- 14 Posts
Standing Water
I agree with you. the standing water is an eyesore and safety issue. If I were looking to build I would NEVER shoose any of those lots. Youn ay try calling the city and ask who to talk to about a hazzard in the community, if you get nothing fro LaCross. If a small child gets hurt or God forbid was to fall in that trench and drown it will be too late.