Kienows Closing

Posted in: Grant Park
Keinows TO Walgreens

Does anyone know who the new property owner is? I heard there would be a Walgreen's moving in. I would like to suggest another grocery!! Maybe Trader Joe's. Who needs another drug store? Anyone know who owns it?

By M. Mix
Kienow's closing

This post is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Elizabeth Atly, in response to an e-mail she sent to several members of the GPNA Board, see post above.

Thanks for your e-mail regarding the closing of Kienow's. I think you are right in your opinion of what a loss it is for our neighborhood, and especially how shabbily treated the employees have
been. I'm sure many of our neighbors share the same concerns you raised.

My understanding, and I could be wrong, is that the Kienow's Corp. sold their holdings to the Real Estate company. I'm not sure that they were forced out.
As for the store closing, I don't think we have any real say in that, and it is very disappointing to me.

As for future development on the site, I believe that the city planning commission has to notify the Neighborhood Association before final approval of any plans. I could also be wrong about this, but there are some folks active in the GPNA who have ties to, and a deeper understanding of, the city planning process. They received your e-mail, and I have asked them to provide you any info they can. Also, another source of info. sharing is the GPNA web site. The site is fairly new, and hasn't had very much traffic, but
I think that it is a perfect forum for issues such as this one. The address is:

Some additional info. Generally, the way the Neighborhood Assoc. works, is that a neighbor comes forward with an issue or concern, like you have done. It doesn't matter that you haven't previously been active in the GPNA. GPNA typically asks the individual coming forward, to follow up on the issue, and if appropriate, get a small
group of neighbors organized. Usually, with help from the association, the organized group suggests several courses of action that might resolve the problem. Depending on the issue and the
suggested resolutions, the GPNA Board, or GPNA membership as a whole will vote on which of the possible solutions to pursue. GPNA tries to be supportive of all concerns brought up by neighbors.

Specifically in this case, what would be great is if you could take the lead on getting some more info. about the current situation. For example, get the facts on why the store is closing, get the name of the real estate company who owns the property, and get a few other
neighbors involved, (This is where the website could come in). Share what you find by posting info to the Keinow's discussion group on the website, several of us GPNA board members check it regularly. If you don't have access to the web, or in addition to posting the info to the web, send a message to the GPNA Bd. members like you did your
original message.

I hope you find this e-mail helpful, please keep in touch. I have cc'd this e-mail to the other GPNA Board Members, to keep everyone current on the converstaion.

To anwer your closing question, YES we're with you! What can we do to help?

Thanks again for your note, Karen

By Karen Lewis
Keinow's closing

Thanks for your reply to my concerns about Kienows. I had a phone number
given to me by one of the employees but
can't put my hands on it just now. I've
called them and have had return calls,
but so far just message-phone-tag.

I've called building department, and
they say no permits have been pulled for
any project; zoning says it is CG zone,
that is general commercial. I've heard
rumors incuding a pharmacy,
condominiums, QFC grocery store, etc.,
but nothing substantiated. I don't
think CG allows for condominiums.

I wouldn't mind taking a lead in pursuing an inquiry further, except that
I am up to my ears in another project -
trying to get state department to
approve visas for two Cuban women to
come to Portland for an
educational/housing community visit in April. Since I am self-employed and
find this latter project eating up a lot
of my work time, I am unable until
mid-April to take this on, which may be
too late, though it is probably too late
already, at least for Kienows employees.

I do not have web access, so if you
don't mind, I will send you any
information I get and you can post it to
the web.

Thanks again,
Elizabeth Atly

By Elizabeth Atly
We're with you!

Thanks for your input. I agree that we, as neighbors and a Neighborhood Association, should approach the property owners and express an interest in their plans. In terms of specific plans, I haven't heard anything except lots of rumors.

In terms of what formal role we can play, I think that depends--in large part--on the property owner. I believe the formal role for neighbors and the neighborhood association is quite limited. (Someone in our neighborhood group is following up with the actual neighborhood notification requirements and processes, so I'll focus my comments on my impressions.)

One thing to note: I don't think we should assume that the current owner is a "bully." Although we want to ensure that our voice is heard, I don't think it's a good idea to approach them in a confrontational manner, particularly since my understanding is that the NA has no real authority here. My recommended approach would be that we should try to approach them (the property owner[s]) to work collaboratively, because if we don't, we may not be able to work with them at all.

Please know that your neighbors are with you: we care, and we are not sitting idly by. Stay in touch,

By Bonnie Gee Yosick
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