Overland Neighborhood Association (ONA)
Minutes of 3/27/08 Meeting
Call to Order (CTO) by President Catherine Sandy at 6:57pm at John Collins Church, 2320 S. Bannock.
Present: Ronnie Crawford, Ray Ehrenstein, Belin Fieldson, Kathleen Jackson, Eric Jacobsen, Jennifer Pollock, Barb Poole, Jennifer Redes, Matt Riley, Michelle Roof, Robert Rutherford, James Sample, Charley Samson, Catherine Sandy.
Minutes to the February meeting were approved, with one small change.
President Sandy announced that Treasurer Lois Strohmeyer has resigned for health reasons. $205.00 in membership dues were collected at our last meeting, making our current balance $1544.60.
Elections of ONA officers were held: Michelle Roof was acclaimed as the new Treasurer, as were President Sandy, Vice President Pollock and Secretary Samson, all unopposed, all making impassioned speeches.
The second annual ONA Yard Sale was discussed. We agreed on Saturday, July 7, and a $5.00 suggested donation, and to check with Dawn Dutton about flyers. Catherine Sandy suggested coordinating this with the City's large item pickup. Jennifer Pollock mentioned a possible Saturday neighborhood cleanup.
Ray Ehrenstein, Southwest Quadrant TOD Focus Group Representative, welcomed input on the subject of TOD (Transit Oriented Development). Catherine said she would facilitate a meeting about zoning at the Golf Course.
Armed with overhead maps of the Evans Bridge, Eric Jacobsen suggested some practical solutions to the Abomination, such as pedestrian-activated light controls, more lighting, ??œYield to Pedestrians??? signs, etc. Bridge Czar Matt Riley noted that the height of the Evans Bridge was dictated by the need to accommodate double-stacked trains, and that a pedestrian bridge has been the number two item on the Mayor's To-Do List and Blueprint Denver for years.
Jennifer Redes, Councilman Nevitt's representative, noted a number of upcoming meetings, including BARD (Broadway Area Retail District?) on April 9, NEPA study fallout on April 22, Arbor Day sale on April 19, and Compost sale on May 3.
Ronnie Crawford noted that Sherrie Gillespie is available as a composting and recycling expert.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm.