Overland Neighborhood Association (ONA)
Minutes of 2/28/08 Meeting
Call to Order (CTO) by President Catherine Sandy at 6:40pm at John Collins Church, 2320 S. Bannock.
Present: Ronnie Crawford, Margot Crooksten, Ray Ehrenstein, Belin Fieldson, Jerry J. Horn, Kathleen Jackson, Eric Jacobsen, Kat Lovato, Maria Martin, Mary Ann McCann, Vicki Pearson, Jennifer Pollock, Matt Riley, Michelle Roof, David Rose, James Sample, Charley Samson, Catherine Sandy, Jack Unruh.
President Sandy announced that SWIC (South West Improvement Center is having a grand opening on March 17.
A resolution to pay the $35.00 dues to the Inter-Neighborhood Council (INC) was passed, as was a resolution to host an INC meeting here (for the first time).
The ??œdigital divide,??? and the need for some printed newsletters was again brought up.
The timing for the election of ONA officers was discussed. March or October were favored. ONA Bylaws can be found on the website.
New neighbors were introduced, and representatives to the TOD (Transit Oriented Development) focus groups were selected, one for each quadrant, except for the Huge and Mighty Southeast Quadrant, which eats other quadrants for breakfast and therefore gets 2 representatives.
Prompted by Cat's concerns about imminent domain, Councilman Chris Nevitt assured that ONA residents need not fear. Jack Unruh, Director of Deep Thoughts, opined that ??œONA will learn as much from the City as the City will learn from ONA.???
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.