Overland Neighborhood Association (ONA)
Minutes of 7/27/06 Meeting
Call to Order (CTO) by President Unruh at 6:39pm at John Collins Church, 2320 S. Bannock.
Present: Present: President Jack Unruh, Vice President Catherine Sandy, Secretary Charley Samson, Treasurer Lois Strohmeyer, Database Coordinator Kevin Dickson, Julie Connor (from Councilwoman MacKenzie?’s office), Dawn Dutton, Frank Dutton, Ray Ehrenstein, Jim Sample, and hordes of others whose names Kevin will add later.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved, with Connor?’s change that the Aqua Golf will not actually include a car wash, which will be across the street. Treasurer?’s Report was waived, as Lois was on a mission.
President Unruh faithfully traversed his agenda (see attached). The current officers were approved through October.
Officer Roggeman presented a crime recap, complete with visual aid, for May through the present (see attached). He noted that RTD has installed 24/7 cameras at all Light Rail stations, where police are using ?“bait cars?” with attractions on the front seat and remote control locking. Rebecca and Rosa told their story. The effects of the West Quadrants?’ Neighborhood Watch success were dramatic. The need for a similar effort in the East Quadrants was clear. Roggeman says he likes to see 50% of every block represented, starting with an informational meeting, during neighbors get to know each other and are assigned a number for engraving of valuables if desired. West Quadrant sparks offered their wisdom if someone from the East steps up. Roggeman mentioned that bikes can be registered online, as can car thefts. CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), complete with ?“vests and little hats,?” is meant to mobilize neighbors during disasters when police are busy elsewhere.
V.P. Sandy gave a capsule history of the Shattuck site. She noted the triumph of ONEW (Overland Neighborhood Environmental Watch), which secured a TAG (Technical Assistance Grant) to hire a technical consultant (Jerry Kelly) to monitor the cleanup. As ?“the groundwater is still contaminated,?” ONEW will continue even after the End-of-Shattuck gathering at the site, 1850 S. Bannock, on August 30 at 10:00 a.m. The Shattuck property is now listed with Fuller Realty, which Unruh characterized as ?“broad shoulders, elbows out.?” Fuller?’s valuation of $12/square foot is regarded as excessive. $3-4/square foot is probably more realistic. Cytoskeleton is interested, but not at the higher rate.
Unruh again mentioned the 65,000 additional vehicle trips per day down Broadway due to developments on former Gates Rubber Co. land. He continues to work with RTD on the decaying exhibits at the Evans Light Rail station. John Collins Church is no longer the precinct voting center. Election Judge Arleen Lipman says Harvard Gulch, the new location, has 16 voting machines.
Julie Connor announced a party on September 9th at the Wild Oats at Washington and I-25, celebrating their survival of TREX. She noted the raccoon problem west of Santa Fe, suggesting securing trash cans with bungie cords and mowing high weeds. She said RTD seems to respond to requests for more parking at Evans Light Rail station. Such a request will then find its way into the Regional Transportation Plan.
Unruh thinks the Evans bridge is noncompliant with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities) Act.
Jennifer Willoughby, whose house on Acoma shares an alley with Broadway businesses, mentioned the ?“waft of filth?” when dumpsters are emptied. There are also noise issues, especially with the Dairy Queen drive-through. Connor noted the new zoning code, and recommended mediation.
With Vice President Sandy?’s traditional incantation (?“We?’re done. Go home.?”), the meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.