Overland Park Neighborhood Association
Minutes of 5/27/10 Meeting
Reading of the minutes from last month's meeting and the Treasurer's report were postponed.
Jeff Shoemaker of the Greenway Foundation talked about its founding by his father, Joe Shoemaker, in 1974, when the Platte River was used mostly as a dumping ground. He quoted Mark Twain on the Platte: "too thick to drink, too thin to plow." Jeff was 11 years old when the Platte flooded in 1965. Improvements to the Platte have brought $10 billion in economic benefit to the area. The area bounded by Alameda & Dartmouth, and Santa Fe & Broadway will see 40,000 new residents in the near future. Noting that Washington Park on Mother's Day was a "mosh pit of activity," the "next vision" would be some sort of change at Overland Golf Course.
Shoemaker then played a video about the Greenway Foundation, whose mission is the improvement of urban waterways, their "only client." For example, Platte River Drive East was closed from Evans to Florida. Future plans might include moving Platte River Drive West to the west, from Evans to Dartmouth, resulting in wider banks by the River. Since the Poundstone Amendment, Denver cannot grow outward anymore, only inward. Overland Pond Park used to be a gravel pit.
A vetting process on the Foundation's "visions" is underway. The next meeting will be June 22 from 7 to 9pm on the fourth floor of the Webb Building. Shoemaker said any change at Overland Golf Course is "a low priority." Its history includes its incarnations as potato farm, race track, and air field. When he worked for Denver's Parks and Recreation, Shoemaker said, "I mowed Overland Golf Course."
In response to questions, Shoemaker noted that the River North and River South plans have merged, and that Vanderbilt Park and Habitat Park have merged. He mentioned the possibility of a Nature Center north of Mississippi and south of Alameda. Admitting that he "was embarrassed that I haven't been [to an OPNA Meeting] before," Shoemaker characterized the "master-plan" as a smorgesborg initially, then it gets funneled down to more specific ideas. "I hate it," said one neighbor of the Overland Golf Course plan, "It makes money for the City. Change is not needed." Shoemaker replied that a regional park with a 9-hole golf course would make more money for the City, and that any change is 15 or 20 years away. Change is "maybe good, maybe bad, but not now."
Jennifer Redies, from Councilman Nevitt's office, announced a zoning code hearing on June 21 at 1:00pm and 6:00pm.
Casey Davenhill brought a celebratory cake for the CU Denver graduates, Courtney, Debbie and Lindsay, who were so helpful in planning the Overland Ponds renovation. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife money from the Shattuck remediation ($250,000) has not been "released" yet. Courtney mentioned summer plans at the site, and her desire to move to Overland Park, especially if her husband's plans for a restaurant in the area come to fruition.
Vice President Ronnie Crawford noted the community garage sale on Saturday, July 12 and the ice cream social on July 22 at 6:30pm at Grant Frontier Park. It's our regular meeting day. Bring a lawn chair. Liz Goucher appealed for additional content for our website.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37pm.