Overland Park Neighborhood Association (OPNA) – August 22 2013
Meeting called to order at 6:36 pm by President Catherine Sandy
Catherine Sandy, Ronnie Crawford, Terry Pasqua, Jack Unruh, Jim Sample, Judy Greek, Kevin Dickson, Nathan Batchelder
Beginning Balance $497.19
Checks paid (County Fair) ($130.00)
Ending Balance of $367.19.
$37.00 to be paid for insurance to Denver County Fair
$16.14 to be paid for printing.
No show for the police this month.
Jeremy Hamer from Public Works provided update in the area of floodplain and management. Currently there are no changes to boundaries and FEMA maps remain the same for new construction. Contact Jeremy.hamer@denvergov.org or at 720-913-0720 with any questions regarding floodplain and zoning.
RTD was contacted regarding signage for the Evans station. It was requested for signs to be added at Broadway, Bannock, and the bridge. Also requested covered bus stops at 3 locations: TCF Bank, Good Times, EMW Furniture.
Evans Loft Open House reminder for Tuesday, August 27th from 2-4pm.
Rock and Roll Marathon scheduled for October 20th. See http://runrocknroll.competitor.com/denver
Kevin Dickson mentioned service in Denver now available for anyone needing local transportation. See http://denver.car2go.com/ for more information.
Free Noise pollution seminar invitation received from Darlene Kilpatrick to pass along to the neighborhood:
You and your organization are invited to a Free Noise Pollution workshop on Noise in Communities and Natural Areas. It is Tuesday August 27th 10am-8:30 pm at the Denver Marriott and is co-sponsored by the National Park Service.
National and International experts will be speaking about the affects of noise on communities, people, children's education, wildlife, ecosystems and what can be done to decrease noise pollution and preserve natural quiet.
Erik Lindebergh, Charles Lindbergh's grandson, will speak about quieter aircraft and share his story about being bound to a wheelchair, recovering and flying his grandfather's solo flight.� Arline Bronzaft, author and researcher, will be speaking about how noise affects our children's education. Julie Zickefoose, an author and NPR commentator, will speak about our bonds to nature and wildlife. Kurt Fristrup from the National Park Service will speak about preserving natural quiet in our open spaces.
GO TO OUR WEBSITE www.NaturalQuietWorkshop2013.org to register and for more information.
Good turnout and several people stopping by the booth to check out the river plans and map of Overland Park. Pink Flamingos were a big hit along with the renderings of Grant Frontier and Pasquinel Landing parks. Jack plans to deliver the posters to the companies highlighted and will see whether any are interested in purchasing a Business membership which is $25 per year.
Informed that the RTD Alameda station parking lot is closed due to drainage project which is planned to be completed as part of the phase one of Alameda Village project. See
Meeting adjourned at 7:23 pm.
Next neighborhood meeting will be on Thursday, September 26, 6:30 pm at John Collins Church, 2320 South Bannock. Come join us and find out what is happening in our neighborhood.