She did say that the building permit for the property doesn't expire until May, which surprised me since I previously had understood it to be October of last year. I asked her what happens if the permit expires and there is still no resumption of work on the unfinished house. Ms. Nichols said she really didn't know.
Ron - yes, that extention surprised me too. I poked around the county permitting web site (, and looked at the permit info for this property. It doesn't really seem to have a fixed expiration date! The wording: "Permit expires if construction is not started within 6 months, or if work is discontinued for 12 months." Not sure what constitutes "work." The last inspection on record is dated 5/29/15 (Slab, passed by the way), so maybe that's why Marjorie pegged June 1 for a revisit. In December there was a very minor flurry of activity on the property, and a few weeks ago (late January) Judy & I saw a load of lumber (roof trusses, etc.) being delivered to the property. There is has lain ever since, untouched. I'm wondering if these are attempts by the owner to maintain "work" is being done, thus endlessly extending the 12-month permit limit. Sigh.
Some info gleaned from the above web site:
- lead inspector appears to be: Audia White, 704-336-8983
- GID ID # is 13725381
- Permit ID # is B2701484
- Project ID # is 347446 (under this #, there's a link to "Plan Review Status")