Pickerington Area Taxpayers Alliance

Update: Police Station Questions

Posted in: PATA

Update: Police Station Issues

by webmaster ?–

As many of this community?’s residents have read recent letters in the local newspapers, our past Oct. ?– Nov. Newsletter with some information on the issue, and emailed similar concerns to old postings I?’m ?“refreshing?” the ?“Discussion Page?” questions & location. ?– webmaster.

Our Contact Person requested that the Police Station questions information be brought up to the forefront and updated with the following. Mr. Harding received a phone message from Ms. Watiker on 11-19 (Tuesday) mid morning from his midday fax previously posted on 11-15. In her phone message Ms. Watiker indicated that she had been out of the office on Friday (11/16). She indicated that she is working on a response to these questions and would be getting back to our Contact Person as soon as possible regarding the questions.

By webmaster
New Police Station questions

I have a couple of questions on the information provided in the ?“Our Pages?” section.

1. Since I couldn?’t find the map, I used the one from my PATA Newsletter, how far from Refugee Road is the Police Station?
2. Wouldn?’t the roadway and parking lot be included in the overall package?
3. If the answer to number 2 is yes, where the heck is the $150K roadway going to and whom does it serve? I hope the answer is not that it is the prime street for Mr. Berry?’s development.
4. Does the City, or do they not provide water and sewer to Big Bear Plaza, McDonald?’s, etc., adjacent to the Police Station?
5. If the answer to 4 is yes, can?’t they tap into services there instead of running new service across Mr. Berry?’s property? I mean, come on, how much water use and sewage use can the police generate? Aren?’t they out on the road most of the time?
6. In the preamble where it says ?“In order to keep the construction schedule moving forward and to put the necessary financing in place to provide for the new police facility to preserve peace and enhance the welfare of the City?’s citizens, this measure shall be passed as an Emergency.?”, is it fair to ask what the ramifications of three readings would be on the construction schedule? We passed the levy over a year ago. Is it now asking too much to have 3 readings for public comment?
7. Did it take them this long to set a construction schedule and so much delay was caused that now the citizens don?’t have a right to hear the whole story in three readings? Is there something going on that we don?’t know about that would ?“enhance the welfare of the City?’s citizens?” less? Would three readings cause the Police Department to no be able to protect and serve?
8. Where is the interest accrued on the total monies generated by the levy to-date? Is this money also apparently benefiting Mr. Berry in another way?

Obviously, I could continue this line of questioning, but they would all seem rhetorical. Is there anyone out there who can answer these questions factually?

-By Anonymous


We apologize for the site map not appearing earlier today. There were a few difficulties in posting this map that were unforeseen. You'll note that it has been corrected, but the details of the site are better seen in our recent newsletter. A clearer copy is also available by contacting pata.

Thank you for your understanding.
-by webmaster

By webmater
Questions forwarded

Via fax your questions have been forwarded to Pickerington?’s Public Information Director today. - copy of fax below.

Nov. 15, 2001

Fax to: Susan Watiker
Public Information Director, City of Pickerington

From: Pickerington Area Taxpayers Alliance
Bob Harding, Contact Person

phone: 755-2464
fax: 755-2464 *51
email: pickeringtontaxpayers@hotmail.com

Dear Ms. Watiker,

A number of concerned area residents have been asking us various questions in relation to the new police station. Answers to many of these questions and issues are not covered in the recent fall 2001 ?“Pickerington Communicator?” page 10 story.

Along with this cover sheet, I?’m faxing to you some of the questions that have recently come up in the ?“discussion pages?” of our web site. Should it be easier for you to answer these questions on that forum that would be fine, however I would be happy to assist with informing community members regarding these questions should you choose to either email or fax me the responses.

Thank you for your assistance.

Bob Harding
Contact Person PATA
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