First things first! We still need a flatbed truck or trailer. Otherwise we need to work on a "Thank You Veterans" banner the kids can march with in the parade.
Decorating Party with the kids:
Lot of hands make for lite work. Come early and have fun with the kids as we try to make our entry say Thank You!
Behind Capitol ACE Hardware as early on Saturday morning as possible... 7 or 8 a.m. would be great... we have to be at the registration desk with float by 9:30 a.m.
Where will the parade begin and end? It's just circles the capitol starting at 15th and N Street. Looks like the assembly area is at O & 14th. The reviewing stand is by the West steps walkway on 10th. According to the map, it ends at 14th & L .
Check the Discussion Forum to get the latest word, offer help or make suggestions.
We need a coordinator for the project too. Any volunteers?
Email us