Parents Outreach Network for Youth, Inc.’s mission as a non-profit organization is to maximize the opportunities for youth to become productive citizens by encouraging community and parental involvement, thereby enhancing self-esteem and confidence.
I. Reinstate community involvement
The community, under the guidance of involved parents, can be a support system for youth career development and provide opportunities to help youth stay focused on positive goals and lessen the likelihood of involvement with drugs and violence.
II. Educate Our Youth on the Importance of Long-Term Goals
Our youth cannot perceive long-term goals because modern society places so much emphasis on short-term goals. Immediate gratification outweighs the importance of achieving long-term goals. By increasing the community’s resources, opportunities for aspiring youth will develop and help them to grasp the essence of long-term goal setting.
III. Increase Parental Involvement in the Educational, Social and Career Endeavors of Our Youth
Parents are the most important role model in our children’s lives. We can break the cycle of failure by getting involved. Parents can invest a little or a lot; it is our choice! However, by investing more, the future of that child is greatly enhanced.
Date: ______________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________
State: ______________________________ Zip: __________________
Phone: (h) ________________________ (w) _______________________
Fax: _______________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Do you have any specific areas you would like to address for our youth?
Specify: _______________________________________________________________________
Send membership application, and a $5.00 check payable to Parents Outreach Network for Youth to:
Mary J. Boler, President
Parents Outreach Network for Youth
P.O. Box 676
Destrehan, LA 70047
Email us