Paragon Point P.U.D. Community Estates Association, Inc.

What's going on?

Posted in: Willow Lane Townhomes
I was shocked and disappointed in the action taken by three of the board members last night. They had a volunteer willing to serve on the board and they voted against allowing her to spot on the board. The board has two vacant positions at the present time and has been literally begging homeowners to join. They have some one who has already expressed not only a strong interest in making our community a better place but has actually demonstrated through becoming involved with committees that she is dedicated. When asked to share why they voted no, none of them were willing to share with the two board members who voted yes what their reasons were. Perhaps the homeowners of this community should call and ask them also...Maybe someone will get lucky and they will tell them. The three who voted no were Margaret Robinson, Bill Geneske and Fred Dittemore.

As a homeowner, I am amazed and quite concerned how some of my ''representatives'' on the HOA Board show such little regard and ''cavalier'' approach to my well-being. I was witness to the last HOA meeting and am appalled by the ignoring & ''dismissing'' of fellow homeowners' questions & concerns, as well as questions & concerns of an active Board member, by the President of the Board. I left feeling very disappointed and discouraged as to any chance for positive changes with the Willow Lane community. There can be Committees for various issues & progressive solutions, with willingness for community participation, which I wholly support. But if all the time & effort falls on deaf ears and closed-minded mindsets of certain Board members, this is merely ''lip service' for which I have no time, patience or energy.

When I read that the homeowner who was willing, able & capable volunteered to join the Board, which I understand is sorely lacking in the past, was denied & with no justifiable reason given, my confidence in the Board & the Association has plummeted. I am struggling not to become yet another ''apathetic'' homeowner, only known by a letter/# of my home.

I think the ''Chosen Few'' should be ashamed...

By Anon.
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