Paragon Point P.U.D. Community Estates Association, Inc.

concerned potentail resident

Posted in: Quail Hollow
Hello and how are you?
My wife, Julie, myself (Jeremy Dubin), our son Ben (21 months) and baby on the way just made a bid on a house in your community - 2726 Pasqeuill. I had some concerns that I wanted to bring to your attention and perhaps begin a dialogue with you about.
The existing substation at overland and drake is about to double its' electic output, from 115 kv to 230 kv , as well as create some very monstrous metal towers that span the length of overland southward. They are also expanding the substation west. This is all happening within the next 1-2 years.
We have spoken to Mr. Scott Riley at Poudre Valley(970-217-0471) power and he confirmed this. I have also spoken with Dr. Jim Birch at CSU (studies EMF waves and health) as well as have a call into the city utilities co. We are considering cancelling our bid because of possible health concerns, not from the substation or the lines coming from them itself, but from perhaps the lines that run under our community. We have done some readings on our own that put our mind at ease (under 3 Milligauss is good), yet there are readings at the 'mini transformers' strewn through out our community that reach much higher.
The data is definitely mixed about the health effects of chronic exposure to higher electric and meagnetic fields , but as a physician and a father, I would always error on the side of caution as I am sure most wouold agree.
My question to the neighborhood association is if 1) did we know about this? 2) are there any concerns, not only health wise, but asthetically speaking in terms of our resale potential with this current expansion? Has there been dialogue with the community /city /county since this has been designated?
My family and I would really like to join your community, but I wanted to check in with you first.
Dr. Jeremy Dubin
Reply to concerned potential res

This is a great neighborhood. We can't be afraid of everything or we wouldn't eat, drink or breath.
Join our neighborhood. You will be glad you did.
We've been here 17 years and would like to find a ranch style home here. Our multi-level is too much for us now that the kids are gone.
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