Park Burnet Townhomes North HOA

Rexford Avenue, 1960's - 1970's

Posted in: UHRA
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  • fox767
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I grew up on Rexford Avenue in the mid 1960's - early 1970's. Just wondering if anyone is still around from that era? I have great memories of the Hastings Ranch area, walking to Don Benito Elementary School, the Christmas street decorations, skating boarding down those steep streets. My best friends were Karen Jacobs and Lorraine Dumas, both residents of Rexford. Please email !!

Hello -


I stumbled upon this post after a Google search for "Don Benito". I also grew up in the same neighborhood - same time period (1963 to 1972) before my family moved out of the area. (We lived on HRD, right by the school.)


Just wondering if you're still checking for responses to this post (I'm a bit late, I know.) I've been searching the 'net for photographs of the UHR area taken during the 60's and 70's...



Yes, I, too grew up on Rexford - 1220 to be exact and My Mom (Joan) was close to Bobby Galpin, and one of my Dad's best friends was Bob Dumas.  We lived next door to Jimmy Tenisfelt and the McIntyre's (Joe and BiBi) lived right around the corner on Riviera, as did Dr. Norman Johnson a few blocks up the way looking over us in residence as he did in his medical practice in Sierra Madre.  We left in 1962 to move to 3750 Shadow Grove Road and join the ranks of Lower Hastings.  My Dad owned 7 homes at one time only to lose them during the floods after the big fire and he was proudest of his organization of the Christmas Light Parade which he set up as a real estate gimmick in the late 50's to draw attention to Coronet homes which he sold and sold and sold to JPL and CalTech employees during the revolving door days of the space race.  Posted by Tom Lawson, #3 Son of William M. Lawson.

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