Park Burnet Townhomes North HOA

Produce Trucks annoying you?

Posted in: W Los Angeles
I agree

I agree that they need some form of regulation. I was going around the block to park, on Idaho East of Bundy and almost ran into one of these. They should NOT be in the middle of the street during rush hour, or anytime for that matter. The fact that we live in the city does not justify unecessary noise of any sort.
air horns

Lately Martins Produce has been using air horns again. No one is against local grocery convenience, but try living where these horns blast your home all day long! Maybe the trucks should sell their food at Stoner Park, with hours posted, and not on local streets, causing trash and noise problems. Certainly 10 pm is not acceptable!

I am in total agreement...While there at it get rid of these trucks that haul junk and are falling apart. Venice and Washington Blvd is like a little Tijuana. Sorry, but I'm not PC. Just C. Let's clean up the whole area beginning with people selling fruit at intersections, selling junk along Venice blvd on the lawns and out of cars, close down these deteriorating businesses including ''piece o' Pizza''
Howard's Avocado Burger, etc. Get rid of the campers and old unsafe trucks sitting along Venice and filled with Graffiti...Day workers loitering on Sawtelle & Exposition...Shall I go on.
I think you get the picture.

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  • zap
  • Active Neighbor
  • USA
  • 1 Post
  • Respect-O-Meter: Active Neighbor


Yes ,we are. Two of us reported  and complained about the trucks blowing their horns  starting at 8:00 AM till 10:00 PM to the LAPD. It is so annoying .Why are we paying taxes and someone else comes from other areas and takes our peace and quite enjoyment of our lives from us. Let's do something about it please. Also the same applies to gardeners using gasoline powered leaf blowers within 500 feet of residential occupancy which were outlawed many years ago. I am ready.



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